@HistoPol@Bergluftliebe Ist schon deprimierend, daß des trotz des Wissens mit der Desinformation und dem eingeschlagenen Kurs ohne jegliche Konsequenzen einfach weiter geht. Zumindest eine Einschränkung der Lobbyarbeit würde ich nach den belegten Fehlinformationen erwarten.
Es gibt inzwischen auch schon wissenschaftliche Studien (1), inwieweit die indirekte Freigabe von politischen Spenden durch die #CitizensUnitedVsFEC- Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs #SCOTUS 2) Einfluß auf das Abstimmmverhalten der #US-#Kongressabgeordneten hatte:
"Results consistently support the investment hypothesis. In *13 out of 14* analyses, lower LCV scores (i.e., more #antienvironmental votes) in one #election cycle predicted significantly increased #contributions in the following election cycle....
"...receive an additional $5,400 in campaign contributions from #oil and #gas companies.
This is an especially strong relationship considering that many elected officials vote against #environmental policies nearly 100% of the time, thereby compounding the cycle of #antienvironmentalism and increasing rewards in the form of #contributions...
"...consistent support for the investment hypothesis...That is, instead of attempting to sway undecided or opposing legislators’ votes, #oil and #gas companies seem to provide financial rewards to members of #Congress after they have voted *against* legislation to protect the #environment...
"...these insights likely generalize to other areas of monied interests, such as those..."
"...once a #republic is #corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils, but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles: every other correction is either useless or a new evil."