@tartanroots. That's where it starts, but Holyrood isn't blameless here. They're quick enough to trumpet "Highest spend per head of population" but absolutely silent when it gets dumped.
@CatHerder@radiojammor@tartanroots This isn't about external interference. This is an internal decision. It's an easy cut that hardly anyone noticed. Funds will go directly to Local Authorities to fill some of their gap. Any failure to deliver will now be on the LAs.
@CatHerder@radiojammor@tartanroots ignoring internal issues doesn't persuade a single person that independence will make the difference they need to see.
@CloudyMrs@radiojammor@tartanroots The external interference comes from the fact that you can't allocate all the funds raised in Scotland for Scottish needs.
@radiojammor@CatHerder@tartanroots but the chain o freedom thing WAS a failure. Not a failure of the people who organised it or the people who attended, but a failure of the wider independence movement, including the SNP and Greens, to promote or support it. The main parties can't keep holding themselves above the grassroots. It can't work that way.
@CloudyMrs@CatHerder@tartanroots For me, that Chain of Freedom thing was the first time that we couldn't just post photos and say Unionist claims were not true, because it was all about the line. Any gaps meant it was a fail and you can't respond and say the gaps were not there. They were.
@CloudyMrs@CatHerder@tartanroots Like that ambitious Chain of Freedom thing, hailed as a success, but was not fully attended, leaving gaps, which could be exploited by the opposition propaganda and dismissed. To 'us' a success. To the opposition, an opportunity to disparage. What was it to the neutral or undecided?
@radiojammor@CatHerder@tartanroots if "the main groups" will neither plan anything themselves nor support anything that isn't their own, what are they for?
@radiojammor@CloudyMrs@tartanroots They'll seize ANY opportunity to exploit and always the same mantra. There's no appetite for Indy. My gut feeling is that Indy support is equal to the stay in the EU vote. How is Gove not locked up for standing in contempt of court over his refusal to release the polling the people paid for?