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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:18:14 JST Lina Inver?e imagine if vtubers die out - kaia likes this.
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:18:22 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff can't be soon enough, let me tell you that -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:18:23 JST jaf if? when
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:20:53 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff i will hope it happens soon -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:20:54 JST jaf wont happen for at least 50 years, the AI will speed it up not slow it down
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:24:36 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff facebook is a terrorist organization in russia :ryukoeat: -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:24:37 JST jaf we'll all be uploaded to facebook by then
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:27:05 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff open society foundation is also a terrorist organization
anyway, this bored me to sleep -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:27:06 JST jaf so are das jueden, ya?
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:31:42 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff whatever post ryuko by the time i wake up, the novelty of caring about conspiracies that don't even affect me wore off -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:31:43 JST jaf the botnet wants you to get sleepy
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:46:21 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff eientei isn't a dogfucker instance, try instead -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:46:24 JST jaf ok fine
post sexy pokemon -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:47:34 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff i don't care. -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:47:35 JST jaf that's a bunny
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:48:50 JST Lina Inver?e @jeff look at this hot cat -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 04:48:51 JST jaf you better figure out how, soon. the sexy pokemon are comin
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:01:55 JST Lina Inver?e @meso @jeff do you think someone would fake something like that in 2005? -
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meso ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:01:56 JST meso @lina @jeff did this actually happen i want to kill the person who did this -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:02:47 JST Lina Inver?e @meso @jeff >The administrators of the website tracked down the video's uploader and the actual killer of the cat, which took them only two days. The uploader was a 15-year-old Belgian male and the actual killer was a 26-year-old Belgian male named Kishor Nokayonokatsu. Both men were eventually arrested.
not even doom music -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:06:33 JST Lina Inver?e @meso @jeff :soldat4E: In conversation permalink -
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meso ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:06:35 JST meso @lina @jeff De weblogs GeenStijl, VKmag en de gruwelsite hebben met behulp van bezoekers waarschijnlijk de maker van een kattenmoordfilmpje ontmaskerd. Ook degene die het fimpje op internet zette is getraceerd. Beiden zijn woonachtig in België.
Op het filmpje is onder meer te zien dat een jong katje door een man wordt rondgeslingerd. Vervolgens probeert hij het inmiddels duizelige katje te onthoofden met een mes dat niet al te scherp is. Na drie keer hakken en snijden bloedt het jonge poesje al stuiptrekkend dood. Daarna zie je een ouder kat (wellicht de moederkat?) aan het dode bebloede beestje likken., die de misselijkmakende beelden op haar website zette, bood 1.000 dollar als iemand de dader kon traceren. VKmag vroeg haar bezoekers ook om gegevens, en weblog GeenStijl beloofde 1.000 euro voor informatie die leidt tot de veroordeling van de dader(s).
ChefInmiddels heeft foto's van de vermoedelijke kattenmoordenaar in handen gekregen en op haar website gezet. Ook vKmag en GeenStijl bezoekers traceerden de maker en degene die het filmpje on-line zette. Het blijkt te gaan om Belgen. De kattenmoordenaar is ene Chef, naar de foto's te oordelen van Aziatische komaf. Degene die het fimpje het web opgooide luistert naar de voornaam Glenn en komt uit Aalst. Deze laatste heeft inmiddels laten weten zich onschuldig te achten want hij ''heeft het poesje met geen vinger aangeraakt''. Hij zegt juist hulp te hebben aangeboden het beestje met behulp van een luchtdrukgeweer uit zijn lijden te verlossen.
Inmiddels zijn namen, adressen, geboortedata, telefoonnummers en wat al niet meer doorgegeven aan de Belgische politie. Een woordvoerder laat weten de zaak uiterst serieus te nemen.In conversation permalink Attachments
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:07:00 JST Lina Inver?e @mja @jeff @meso its called liveleak these days, noob In conversation permalink -
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Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:07:01 JST Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) @meso @lina @jeff guys meet me at the ogrish meetup In conversation permalink -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:07:50 JST Lina Inver?e @mja @jeff @meso then why isnt it called deadleak In conversation permalink -
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Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:07:51 JST Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) @lina @jeff @meso liveleak died retard In conversation permalink -
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georgia ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:10:53 JST georgia @lina @mja @jeff @meso why would you post that what's wrong with you In conversation permalink -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:11:37 JST Lina Inver?e @georgia @mja @jeff @meso it got jeff to shut up, so that's why In conversation permalink -
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georgia ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:16:58 JST georgia @lina @mja @jeff @meso then you literally posted animal snuff to win a petty internet argument In conversation permalink -
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georgia ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:17:41 JST georgia @meso @mja @lina @jeff oofie In conversation permalink -
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meso ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:17:42 JST meso @georgia @mja @lina @jeff you replying to this made me think i boosted it by accident :( In conversation permalink -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:18:22 JST Lina Inver?e @georgia @mja @jeff @meso i didn't force you to look at it bro In conversation permalink -
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georgia ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:19:33 JST georgia @lina @mja @jeff @meso i looked at it accidentally so you kinda did In conversation permalink -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:20:49 JST Lina Inver?e @georgia @mja @jeff @meso me drawing a hexagram out of cigarette ashes and sacrificing a pile of bedbugs to get someone on fedi to accidentally look at a shock image from 2005 In conversation permalink georgia likes this. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:31:48 JST Lina Inver?e @mja @jeff @georgia @meso i dont have the vid, now im off, i made my gn post In conversation permalink -
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Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:31:49 JST Maijčika 🌲 (Public Arc) @georgia @lina @jeff @meso tbh ik this is autistic but im more confused why he sent a screenshot of some frames and not the video In conversation permalink georgia likes this. -
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The Problem :verified_pink: ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:57:11 JST The Problem :verified_pink: @jeff @lina and? get away from the desk and set Ukrainians on fire, not kittens.
In conversation permalink NEETzsche likes this. -
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jaf ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:57:12 JST jaf he lives in russia.
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The Problem :verified_pink: ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:57:13 JST The Problem :verified_pink: @lina @jeff what the fuck is wrong with you???? that’s fucking vile.
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NEETzsche ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2023 05:58:50 JST NEETzsche Deactivated lina for deliberately posting animal abuse
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