@rydia It's impossible to relicense a copyrighted work unless you are the copyright holder.
The source files provided look somewhat different, so that would be okay provided that they were written via clean room reverse engineering, but mere rewriting line by line makes a derivative work.
The shorter file doesn't seem creative enough to qualify for copyright, so a direct copy would really be fine.
The longer file probably qualifies for copyright, as there's a lot of creatively chosen variables and struct layouts there (considering the absolute mess).
Based copyright infringement against valve to make free software tbh.
> You CAN incorporate a piece of original HLSDK code by rewriting (retyping it line-by-line, symbol-by-symbol) it, but you CAN'T just copy-paste something from there into here
someone's half-life reimplementation, which is very similar as valve sdk but relicensed the code to GPL (for the edict.h file even comments are the same):