@freemo @DrBonesMD @GW I don't believe in increased taxes on the wealthy. I believe that governments have created the problems and mostly exist for the benefit of the super wealthy.
Multinational Companies are the worst offenders and should be targeted. If they refuse to play ball, they should forfeit their copyrights in the US and any capital.
The correct strategy in Capitalism is to use taxes to keep monopolies from forming and keep corporations competing. One of the many problems in the dystopian present is a lack of opportunity. The government is not for the people and it allows for further predatory actions on its own people.
There's not a silver bullet for this other than destruction of the Representative Democracy and going for a Direct Democracy. China has a Representative based government too. In the modern world there's no room for such an unoptimized and inflexible government.
No taxation without representation? When representation is so far removed from the people it can be distorted or ignored. The people who control the most wealth also hijack our voice by abusing the same representative system or use of renamed bribes.
It's rather pointless to address the dysfunctional taxes without addressing the dysfunctional government and its flaws.