Do you know what's in your software? The FSF is fighting every day for your right to control your computer. Start the conversation in your community and encourage your friends to join the FSF!
@Tony@EdBoatConnoisseur@fsf Linux for Niggers™ is a Linux “distro” that includes special features designed to make Linux easier and more comfortable for niggers the world over. Niggers have always had trouble understanding new (or any) technology. Computers are no exception. Some people have said this is because niggers are dumb, but we believe the real problem is that technology has traditionally been designed for white people. Linux for Niggers™ changes all that. It was developed from the ground up with niggers in mind. Linux for Niggers™ will usher in a whole new era of Afro-ergonomic computing.
There is a long and detailed history to the Linux For Niggers™ distribution. While the countless hours of free labor put forth by our neckbearded brethren into perfecting this wonderful piece of open source software cannot be expressed in words, we can however share with you our motivations and goals.
The project began after the realization that traditional Linux distributions were designed without niggers in mind, and thus completely inoperable to the African-American community. Even distributions such as Ubuntu, which are known to be used by hipsters, women, and various other lower forms of human life, were reported as being too difficult when tested on niggers.
Thus the long process began to develop something special that niggers could actually use, without resorting to traditional proprietary software.
Current versions of Linux For Niggers™ come installed with special features designed to make Linux an easier and more natural operating system for use by niggers.
Designed with niggers in mind, Linux for Niggers™ currently includes:
African “tribal beats” sound and desktop theme. An extensive collection of free, high-quality rap and hip-hop music. MySpace themed terminal. T-Mobile Sidekick and Boost Mobile compatibility. Full Ebonics vocabulary, and state-of-the art English-to-Ebonics translator. Live Twitter-to-desktop feed. Negro-compatible browser Blackbird comes installed by default. Traditional UNIX™ commands rewritten with niggers in mind. Documentation written by niggers, for niggers. And much, much more!
@moomin@fsf open source and forking, make lots of software and eventually you will be able to have a full software stack that agrees with your politics...