@davetroy so basically he is a living language model ;), much like the ai chat bullshit machines themselves.
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gnutelephony (gnutelephony@floss.social)'s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:10:51 JST gnutelephony -
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Dave Troy :toad: (davetroy@toad.social)'s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:10:52 JST Dave Troy :toad: Having followed him since first encountering him around 2007, I have long felt Sam Altman is something of a con man. And evidently that’s the ultimate consensus of the OpenAI board. He is a parlay-preneur: a fast-talker who takes the work of others and whips it to stiff peaks to make exquisite meringues and confections, which hold great appeal and earn him praise until they ultimately crumble.
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