@kaia@brotka.st not openai because i don’t use that, but i’ve noticed that some services (google, discord) will ramp up login security and very often sign me out on devices that i use less frequently or in “unusual” locations
@mia I see! could it be my IPv6? I just have a regular DSL here with IPv6 and IPv4 and the IPv6 is getting blocked by Cloudflare I think for whatever reason. should I try to disable IPv6?
@mia quick unrelated question: do you still use your scanproc as it is in your repo? I need to scan more stuff again and will look into it again :mukiLook:
@kaia don't have this, but I use a Webapp-wrapper for GPT to control telemetry and ever sice last week I get the mouse-labyrinth-captcha on every request sent. I get needing to protect against abuse of the free plan, but with there already being an account requirement, this just seems like trying to bring down demand by bullying users.
@Nicro yeah, on the web interface it's not that bad, but the captchas come up every now and then. subjectively on Linux more than on Windows. I can't recall the last one on MS Edge I've seen.
the OpenAI login issue was caused by my system time. due to dual booting, my Linux time was 2h ahead. I switched on NTP and could login now! :happycat:
@kaia That makes sense, it probably uses an HMAC (a way to sign requests, which incorporates a timestamp so it can lock down the request validity duration, and to prevent replays.) I used them at my old job because they greatly increase security and my boss got so irritated because of support requests where the user's clock was off "nobody else's application does this!"
I'm a bit torn about them not telling me the time was wrong. on the one hand noobish users like me cannot tell why it does not work. on the other attackers via VPN and whatnot have a more difficult time to login.
@mia one additional question if I may, because I forgot: what's the best file format and size for your scanproc? I see there's JPG, PNG and TIF in the script :mukiLook:
is it okay to use 600DPI? I see that as well in there.