The utter ignorance of wearing a mask popularised by the movie adaptation of V For Vendetta by anarchist Alan Moore, about the threat of right-wing authority and its oppression over marginalised groups such as immigrants, Muslims, and the LGBTQ+ community. The mask represents everything these fascists hate. And I for one will never ever permit their pathetic attempts at co-option and corruption of such a powerful anarchist antifascist symbol.
@MediaActivist Oh my gosh a fascist is wearing the v mask, that's so messed up. I am NOT ok with the misuse of fascists using their opposition's symbol, how fascist of them.
Thank you for the article sharing, I am in agreement to the wrongness of the misuse of symbolism.
(that movie, I really really enjoyed it and agreed with individual having rights to their own lives).
In fact, you know what? It's that time of year, anyway. I'm changing my profile picture to a photo of me a while back wearing a Guy Fawkes mask from V For Vendetta by Alan Moore -- an inherently antifascist, anarchistic piece of art. We must never let bigots tarnish the true meaning of the mask!