She's now 2 years old and she still dislikes men. She has a father, a brother, uncles, grandpas,... She doesn't like them. She's a wary child, even with women, and needs some time to open up to people. But men? No, thank you.
Talking to another friend who has a daughter of the same age, said that her child loves grandpa, but HATES her uncles (both of them). Mind you, this is a toddler who grabbed my hand 10 minutes after meeting for the first time in almost a whole year.
Is normal behaviour for babies or toddlers to dislike / hate men?
@TheWitchBitch@skjadul Seeing many male species, including human males, will kill off competitors off spring and sometimes even there own, if they feel the kid is standing in the way of getting laid, I'm pretty certain females of these species, as a result are biologically wired to distrust said males from the start. Like how my dogs (all females) always had a different posture when males would approach me vs women. I had guard dogs, but they never really ever did any guarding me when it came to other women. Males always had to be checked out and approved first, before my guard dogs let their guard down.
@skjadul Dislike/Hate might be a big word. But there happens to be a clear preference for women. It comes down to basic biology: the woman is the no.1 food provider.
"Infant preferences for female over male faces, for example, are generally understood as the effect of primary caretaker gender on the early representation of human faces (Quinn et al., 2002) and it seems reasonable to propose that a similar mechanism may also contribute to the observed preference for the female-typical body shape."