@babe There was the opportunity for at least a potential off-ramp from the road to fascism just a couple of years ago and the media and political establishment said "absolutely not" and ruthlessly kept the UK on its current course.
@rrwo As evidenced by 2015-2019, organizing the largest grassroots electoral campaigns in decades to take over the levers of power will not fix it either. Because the media and political establishment will literally rather burn the whole country down than to allow the smallest course correction leftwards.
Oh and they will absolutely stomp all over you if you try as well and paint you in the most libelous and insulting colors while doing it as well, using all sorts of dirty trick. @seb321@babe
@babe@rrwo@pettter You absolutely can blame the media. They frame the narrative, imply false equivalence, ignore or trash the reputations of those who challenge the direction of travel, create the Overton Window, and constantly drip feed fear and hate into the eyes and ears of the population.
@seb321 Not only that, but since Corbyn was then advocating for doing a soft Brexit, accepting the results of the referendum but not doing it in a stupid way, it followed that _nothing short of the hardest of hard Brexits_ was acceptable. @babe@rrwo
@pettter@babe@rrwo Yes, it’s not about convincing everybody. They only need to make sure the options in front of voters are ones they are happy with. And yes, we have a corrupt voting system - because it suits them! Brexit was totally reversible given it’s non- binding nature but the media saw to it that anyone suggesting any further vote was branded as undemocratic so now we have 2 biggest parties in England that support it.