Can we see yukiame's summary of what they believe "open source" to be all about?
Don't forget that different parts of VLC are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 and the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 - can you give those a read and please tell me where either says that such is "open source"?
That group full of both proprietary business interests who enjoy astroturfing and a few people who genuinely want to do good?
I don't believe they have a recommended list of licenses, although an internet search reveals they have published one license know as the "EFF Open Audio License", but that's only for music and not software.
It appears we have another "open source" supporter who has never heard of the "open source definition"; (yes, the page is MiTM'd by google and it's full of proprietary JavaScript).
Although the "OSI" has approved the LGPLv2.1 and GPLv2 as meeting the 10 requirements, they've been painstakingly handcrafted by rms and many others to be free software licenses and I would argue that applying a 3rd party certification by a corporate-controlled front onto free software under free software licenses is one of the greatest insults one could carry out.
@Suiseiseki Why do you open source niggers spend so much time arguing about what licenses are or are not actually open source? Fucking write some code and release it to the public domain.