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@dangerdyke @lydiaposting even Nyx sees this kinda thinking as cringe
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@lydiaposting @dangerdyke but for real what is supposed to come out of this thinking? Shitting on a trans group that's not specifically your in group? It's just super cringe, not helpful to anyone, not doing anything against transmisogny and is just a politically correct bigotry
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@eris @dangerdyke It is both possible and likely that I will have disagreements with even those I respect?
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@eris @dangerdyke I don't think them being men is super helpful to anyone so
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@lydiaposting @dangerdyke the fuck
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@lydiaposting @dangerdyke this is so cringe I'm sorry lol
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@eris @dangerdyke the social concept of man is based on hierarchic logic at its very core. They should aim to be whatever they want outside of that, but that wouldn't be that same concept at the end of the day
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@eris @dangerdyke so you have nothing worth adding and are just going to call me names gotcha. still love you, sis, but don't appreciate this behavior
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@lydiaposting @dangerdyke amusing to act like I should self-crit while arguing an extremely transphobic position that trans men choose oppression
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@lydiaposting @dangerdyke you previously argued they should have identified as a different gender and chose the lives they live and are inherently bad now for being trans men, now you're backpedaling to say "well some of them do problematic things and that's bad"
But that's no reason to just shit on them as a whole, criticize individuals and behaviors but don't just be a jerk and alienate a group of people that exist on your instance too just because you misread the blackpaper as "i should hate trans men" like get out of here with that shit
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@eris @dangerdyke I mean that's how patriarchy is constructed? There's no real choice involved outside of choosing to participate in that structure, which is what I'm criticizing. Lot of trans guys choose to act in this way and the ones that don't don't meet that standard and wouldn't be acting in a way that is standard in that structure. The concept of patriarchy is in and of itself transphobic. My position is not. My position is moving away from utilizing concepts and structures that have this inherently hierarchic logic.