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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:05 JST meso >In October 2022, while interviewing Tulsi Gabbard on his show, Rogan shared the widely discredited litter boxes in schools hoax, claiming that public schools were providing litter boxes to students who dress up as cats.
This timeline... something went wrong, I don't know where, but something went HORRIBLY wrong and it has to be fixed, some kind of rupture in the space-time continuum-
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Sexy Moon ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:08:59 JST Sexy Moon @meso @maija -
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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:00 JST meso @maija Israel is normal, this doesn't happen in Israel. Israel is a healthy and solid country with a conscience. whatever went wrong in the world first hit America and is slowly seeping to the rest of the world -
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Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:01 JST Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) @meso real
israel 2nd state -
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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:02 JST meso @maija America is a diseased fucking country -
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Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:03 JST Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) @meso bro when i went to a u.s. middle school somebody would regularly take a shit and spread it all over the walls and ceiling, like every time it got cleaned up they did it again, stupid retarded shit like that is common
i dont doubt that story is possible, and the staff are often just as stupid -
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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:04 JST meso @maija this shouldnt be a thing i have to read in a normal world -
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Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:09:05 JST Maija (Under 7666's Bed Arc) @meso thew news goes so apeshit like "how could he share this discredited hoax REEEEEEEEEEEEEE" like its literally the fucking holocaust meanwhile the podcast is like, "yeah bro somebody told me this shit, pretty fucking crazy if so" -
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『VRISKA』 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 01:11:58 JST 『VRISKA』 @meso the idea that a public school would do anything to accommodate even a normal student is quite funny
Seahorses are horses likes this. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 02:38:41 JST Lina Inver?e @meso @nach @adachi @mint likes this. -
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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 02:38:42 JST meso @nach @lina @adachi @mint 真情像草原廣闊層層風雨不能阻隔總有雲開空谷傳聲,虛堂習聽。 杜稿鍾隸,漆書壁經。 兩疏見機,解組誰逼。 矯手頓足,悅豫且康。 孤陋寡聞,愚蒙等誚。
龍師火帝,鳥官人皇。 禍因惡積,福緣善慶。 府羅將相,路俠槐卿。 索居閒處,沉默寂寥。 嫡後嗣續,祭祀烝嘗。 謂語助者,焉哉乎也。
始製文字,乃服衣裳。 尺璧非寶,寸陰是競。 戶封八縣,家給千兵。 求古尋論,散慮逍遙。 稽顙再拜,悚懼恐惶。
推位讓國,有虞陶唐。 資父事君,曰嚴與敬。 高冠陪輦,驅轂振纓。 欣奏累遣,慼謝歡招。 箋牒簡要,顧答審詳。
弔民伐罪,周發殷湯。 孝當竭力,忠則盡命。 世祿侈富,車駕肥輕。 渠荷的歷,園莽抽條。 骸垢想浴,執熱願涼。
坐朝問道,垂拱平章。 臨深履薄,夙興溫凊。 策功茂實,勒碑刻銘。 枇杷晚翠,梧桐蚤凋。 驢騾犢特,駭躍超驤。
愛育黎首,臣伏戎羌。 似蘭斯馨,如松之盛。 磻溪伊尹,佐時阿衡。 陳根委翳,落葉飄搖。 誅斬賊盜,捕獲叛亡。
遐邇一體,率賓歸王。 川流不息,淵澄取映。 奄宅曲阜,微旦孰營。 遊鵾獨運,凌摩絳霄。
鳴鳳在竹,白駒食場。 容止若思,言辭安定。 桓公匡合,濟弱扶傾。
化被草木,賴及萬方。 篤初誠美,慎終宜令。 綺回漢惠,說感武丁。
榮業所基,藉甚無竟。 俊乂密勿,多士寔寧。
學優登仕,攝職從政。 晉楚更霸,趙魏困橫。
存以甘棠,去而益詠。 假途滅虢,踐土會盟。
樂殊貴賤,禮別尊卑。 何遵約法,韓弊煩刑。
上和下睦,夫唱婦隨。 起翦頗牧,用軍最精。
外受傅訓,入奉母儀。 宣威沙漠,馳譽丹青。
諸姑伯叔,猶子比兒。 九州禹跡,百郡秦并。
孔懷兄弟,同氣連枝。 岳宗泰岱,禪主云亭。
交友投分,切磨箴規。 雁門紫塞,雞田赤城。
仁慈隱惻,造次弗離。 昆池碣石,鉅野洞庭。
節義廉退,顛沛匪虧。 曠遠綿邈,岩岫杳冥。
堅持雅操,好爵自縻。 日出時候
萬丈陽光 照耀你我
真情 像梅花開過
就在最冷 枝頭綻放
看見春天 走向你我 -
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Yamaha TMax 560 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 02:38:43 JST Yamaha TMax 560 @meso 真情 像草原廣闊
層層風雨 不能阻隔
總有雲開 日出時候
萬丈陽光 照耀你我
真情 像梅花開過
就在最冷 枝頭綻放
看見春天 走向你我
c67f-hhnunsq9988488.jpg -
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meso ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 02:38:44 JST meso @nach :marseymeds: :marseyrightoidschizo: -
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Yamaha TMax 560 ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Sep-2023 02:38:45 JST Yamaha TMax 560 @meso israel 2 shall burn alhamdulillah
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