My most serious policy proposal is that we should rebuild the wall in Germany, but in addition to the AfD containment zone in the east we should also create a second wall this time just north of Frankfurt to keep the Prussians out of South Germany for once pls
I have been saying for decades that I did like the stance of the former Foreign Minister of Italy at the end of the 1980's a lot, when asked about his stance on German #reunifcation: "I like Germany so much, I need two of them."
So, seconded.
On the other hand, I have quite a few wonderful new friends from Saxony in particular, which I would miss, so IDK.
Now this comes as a surprise, do you have any special ties to Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg? Though, IDK, the weather there is anything but California. And there are not even enough lakes, leave a lone an ocean. (And no, Lake Constance doesn't count. It is not the Swabian Sea. That is just some PR trick.) Oh, and car manufacturing is much more professional there than in CA. In any case, regarding that southern wall, I suggest resurrecting the Roman Limes:
Gesamtdeutsch sehen die Patentanmeldung ja recht gut aus.
Wie ich von einer Quelle jedoch unlängst erfuhr (nicht verifiziert) werden die Patente im Anschluss an die Anmeldung in großem Umfang an die Amerikaner verkauft (bzw. deren Nutzungsrechte), die diese dann Verwerten.
@HistoPol Jup! Tbh. bin ich ein wenig skeptisch was die Messung von Innovation via Patenten angeht, aber nach der Metrik ist der Süden auf einem guten Weg ^^
I think I never so this quote in print, just in a discussion b/w journalists or something like that.
In any event, it contains a lot of wiseness. I'd like to explain, b/c it does cause resentment, in particular amont East Germans who, despite all the billions on transfer, still often feel like 2nd class citizens.
As you know, Western Germany used to be the European economic engine, politically jointly with France. Most of its exports went to the EU, even before Mastricht...
...Treaty of Mastricht, which created European Monetary Union, thus ensuring that the Deutsche Mark would not appreciate all to much for its exports' prices to become uncompetitive.
After reunification, with Germany suddenly being 1/3 larger than any other EU country, that imbalance has become bigger and bigger, as the East was brought up to Western standards. Such an imbalance is unhealthy in matrimony, and it is, too, in international relations. Two Germanies...
This is why I uswd to like that quote. As most people are not that knowledgeable about economics and others like it b/c of the divisions such a statement might create, I stopped using it about 10 years ago.
It just reoccurred to me when you had the idea of secession.
@freezombie Ah yes, the classic "lets arbitrarily restrict our dataset so that we come to the exact conclusions we want"
(Although looking at the metrics I personally doubt that France or the Netherlands would really be competitive in terms of purely founding companies either way)
@pojntfx I think I’ve found it, and with it the reason Germany did so well and the FAZ didn’t feel the need to mention Île-de-France, the Randstad, or the South-East of England: the only European countries they looked at were Germany and Italy
Ja, v.a., wenn die Nutungss- und Verwertungsrechte tatsächlich in grossen Umfang ins Ausland gehen. Es ist jedoch ein Indikator. Was nicht erfunden wird, kann auch nicht verwertet werden. Softwarepatente, keine Ahnung wie es da aussieht, und Geschäftsprozesse, wie derzeit durch die LLM-Revolution und die Robotic Process Automation spielen da vermutlich eine noch größere Rolle. RPA revolutioniert ja gerade fast alle Branchen, zumindest im Back Office.
@HistoPol Yeah, this is def. true. Germany, historically at least, has always been to powerful of a force on this continent, and I think this problem has only continued to get worse as of late. Splitting it makes sense in a lot of ways, esp. now that the EU would continue free transit between them either way.