@Klink@hackernews I haven't gone too deep, but that doesn't surprise me. It's still the thing I'd reach for. I also love Solarus. Love2D is cute but useless.
@alex@hackernews have you seen godots codebase? It’s painful to extend it. Easier to write your own engine. And their HAL layer is atrocious with hundred of unimplemented stubs
@LivingSpaceStudios@Klink@hackernews Solarus is the one I know best: maps and entities. I pictured that 3D engines would be essentially the same just with a z-axis. 🤔 I don't know the different designs of 3D game engines.
The thing people don't know about 3D physics (and the games that rely on them) is that there aren't 3 axes. There are six. The X, Y, Z stuff is just linear positioning. You still have to account for angular positioning with Yaw, Pitch and Roll and learn how convert between them cleanly without a variety of mathematical and systems errors that are often hard to perceive, hard to fix and hard to plan for.
You need to understand geometric calculus just to implement basic 3D logic. When you have to worry about pathfinding and AI, that multiplies issues and when you add in multiplayer and all of quasi-temporal maths and logic problems that causes, the move to 3D is exponentially more complex than 2D.
I needed a simple script to rotate something, and i had to convert coordinate systems, and degrees because default function "rotate(x)" took only one argument and it was euler rotation (or something like that), to avoid gimbal axis lock. And I just needed to turn around an object, but I have to read all about that bullshit.