Gargron being the sole arbiter of ActivityPub features
The Fediverse is survival of the fittest. Anyone can introduce changes, but it only matters if they deploy it to a server with users. The way to make change on the Fediverse is not by writing documents, but by pushing code to servers that matter. We need to be less in the headspace of a treaty organization and more like Genghis Khan. Because in reality this is a culture war.
No offense but I'm uncomfortable with Gargron being the sole arbiter of ActivityPub features. Shouldn't ActivityPub be designed and developed by multiple parties? I thought it is developed by a teamwork of individuals.
People already wrongly assume that Mastodon is "the Fediverse" and that's patently false and long term unhealthy for the ecoysystem.
@humanetech@jande@gme@cope Yes, Gargron somewhere replied to me saying he's waiting for more servers to adopt the edit feature.
However, the latest Mastodon versions already support editing posts (not just displaying someone else's edits) – the feature just isn't included in the UI yet. is a front-end that does, in fact, already include an edit button.
@humanetech@gme@cope afaik mastodon supports viewing edits but not creating edits (i think i heard somewhere they're holding off until edits are more widely supported first, but don't quote me on that I've not bothered to confirm it) akkoma and i think pleroma develop support both viewing and creating edits and misskey (or at least foundkey) supports neither currently
i don't know what the support state is in others like friendica, gnu social, epicyon, pixelfed, or gotosocial
You may be interested in that is very fedi-related and on addressing a bunch of issues we face. We are still ramping up things, not wholly publicly announced and stuff.
Foundkey is new to me. Is that a fedi app? If yes, I can add to the delightful lists.