@opengeohub@mwfc Scariest thing about AI? The corporations that own it and the data that makes it work.
No, it can’t help us combat the climate crisis any more than the autocorrect on your phone can.
How do you create ethical AI? You tax trillion-dollar corporations and billionaires to extinction and you build technology for the commons, funded by the commons.
We do not need chatGPT kind of shit. But we need certain data for various scenarios and no, many counties will do shit prior and will not be able to respond in a decent way when shit hits the fan. We need to do modelling, need to give them tools to help. A mouseclick to get water bodie candidates. Then double check whether assumptions were OK.
When shit hits the fan, we need automation and as real time information as possible. ML is needed with correction factors due to current data.
There is good reason to use AI and ML in various settings, especially due to climate change.
Where? a good case is remote sensing. We have limited tools and data in temporal and spatial resolution. And yes, we need more data for various things. I just worked on "how to determine safe water intake bodies for fire fighting planes" and no, this is not trivial to know the depth at every position of a water body worldwide to ad hoc calculate it
@aral@opengeohub@mwfc Funny enough, the best behaved company on this front is... Facebook? They have released a few different AIs now, and defeated the threat of a google/microsoft AI duopoly. If you want to build a people's AI, you will probably be starting with something from Facebook.
Oh, and try out OpenAI/Whisper just once, and then tell me there is not a searchable text index of all phone calls. That thing is amazing and you know the spooks had it a couple years early.
@mike805@opengeohub@mwfc Facebook can go jump in the sea as far as I’m concerned. There is nothing that a factory farm for human beings does that’s positive for humanity.