Special ability: upon opponent conducting pedophilia, use this card to instant kill the opponent next turn. This ability is indefensible and unavoidable.
Special ability: upon opponent conducting pedophilia, use this card to immobilize with stone shakles and drow in the deep sea.
the bible - Matthew 18:6
"But whoever is a cause of trouble to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have a great stone fixed to his neck, and to come to his end in the deep sea."
This is what they want. Vigilantism can get out of control very quickly. They want war in the streets. Right now it's 2 7/11 Sikh trading cards for 1 Rooftop Korean card but the most prized is still the Kenosha Kid card. I'm trying to collect the whole 2023 set. I hear the 24' set is going to be off the hook @mk@Salaru
I put it that way for a reason. It's one of those mornings so hopefully no one gets too offended. It's just my opinion and questions I have. If I get the chance I'll ask myself. If I'm shown actual proof, I will change my mind but until then I have major issues @greyknight33@mk
@mk Just wondering, why doesn't your God do anything to protect the kids that get raped and murdered every day? Why do you still believe that one day he'll come back? Guess it's just part of "God's plan" to let all those innocent children be tortured, raped and killed. The cards are for people that actually did something not just talked about it 2000 yrs ago. My opinion. I'm cranky in the morning so don't take my comment to heart but it is my one of my major problems with religious people
@MrMaxPowers247@mk one of the greatest misconceptions that damn near all people confuse. proof is in the term "your God". that insinuates one believes in a false god, either the accuser and/or the accused
@mk@MrMaxPowers247 yeah i remember this one, great experiment. makes me think of human experimentation in the same way but that's not for this thread.
great point bringing this up but my question was averted by truncated the subordinate clause "if there was no evil in the world...". you saying "you just open your eyes and count the good things you see vs the bad things you see" is exactly the point. your consciousness is perceptive to these and from your lens.