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@Shadowman311 What man in Utah is he talking about?
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I'm not going to defend the guy. He made some pretty explicit threats. I'm also not going to defend the fbi either, they handled the situation inappropriately. His death could have been easily avoided, but the fbi decided to use cowboy tactics to intentionally escalate, and in my view, murder him. There was never an intent to arrest. They knew how this would end given the chosen tactics and that's what they wanted.
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@caekislove @Shadowman311 Boomerwaffen fedposted on faceberg.
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@Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Posting on Facebook was his first mistake
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Things I learned practicing law:
> Never make a threat you can't backup.
> Sometimes it's better not to make threats, so they don't see you coming.
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@Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311
you're not going to defend the guy because of his explicit threats
I'm not going to defend the guy because he said Putin was Biden's communist twin.
We are not the same.
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I feel like this kind of stuff would be better served by sending a sheriff for a wellness check not a kill team in predawn raid
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I wish I had a dog like that. 😥
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@Humpleupagus @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Imagine posting threats to public officials on social media for clout.
Back in the day, people just did it. They didn't need "likes" or anything, just a dog telling them that Jodie Foster will bang them if they carry it out.
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@Humpleupagus @apropos @caekislove @Shadowman311 I learned that from Mario Puzo as a 14 year old. People who treaten are less likely to act. People who act are less likely to threaten.
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@LovecraftEnthusiast @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 the efficient, adult, first-world-country thing to do is put him on a watchlist and have a monitoring system complain if he's ever colocal with the politician he's threatening to kill. If he flies into DC the Secret Service greets him when he steps out of the aircraft.
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I just assume an old man having a sheriff come by and say “hey you need to stop putting threats up online” is enough to stop most tard raging boomers
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It helps if he know the officer too, whether it's the Sheriff or local pd. Most people have neighbors or congregants, etc., who serve. Such people are also better situated to assess the threat since they are familiar with the perp.
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@Kang_Kong3 @Humpleupagus @apropos @caekislove @Shadowman311 what's the best way to make threats if you have no intent on following through but just want a lot of attention...
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Wave your arms while you do it.
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@LovecraftEnthusiast @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 for sure. And that's the other very clear takeaway: the FBI hate your guts and the American people. They'd MUCH rather kill a harmless 80-year-old man, than just get him to stop threatening the President.
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@Frondeur @Kang_Kong3 @Humpleupagus @apropos @Shadowman311 Put "in Minecraft" at the end. My lawyer assures me that makes it legal!
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It only makes it legal in minecraft though.
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@apropos @LovecraftEnthusiast @Humpleupagus @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Hell, they could have just picked him up at the post office when he goes to get a package. He'd be unarmed, and you could quietly disappear him. Or messily disappear him, but at least he wouldn't die in the process.
The whole David Koresh bullshit could have been resolved the same way.
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@apropos @LovecraftEnthusiast @Humpleupagus @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Yeah I think they wanted to make an example out of him.
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@caekislove @Humpleupagus @apropos @LovecraftEnthusiast @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 That was my immediate thought on this too. Why else would you do a swat raid when they could just send a letter? What is an old boomer going to do? This is disgusting.
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Coitus maximus.
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@Humpleupagus @apropos @caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 > im going to coom...
> waves arms
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Local sheriffs would probably do a better job than the fbi in 95% of these situations.
They're usually a lot more reasonable because they're voted into their positions and live near the same people that they serve and don't want to piss off too much.
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"The dog said that if I kill John Lennon, he'll let me lick the peanut butter off of his balls."
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That's why they're "man's best friend."
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He was even aware he was on a watch list and kept going.
He didnt deserve a state execution but he wasnt exactly trying to not get one.
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@purvispisgah @BowsacNoodle @Humpleupagus @apropos @LovecraftEnthusiast @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 Yeah, I don't get the whole "they're gonna come find and kill us all" reaction when this guy did the equivalent of running on to the white house lawn screaming allu ackbar
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@BowsacNoodle @caekislove @Humpleupagus @apropos @LovecraftEnthusiast @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 I think for large swaths of federal bureaucracy, there's essentially no one steering the ship. There's too many layers of DEI hires and every decision ends up being a head scratcher, from which coffee brand is found in the break room all the way to the murder of a septegenarian fedposter.
It could certainly be cold malice in this instance, neither would surprise me.
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@LovecraftEnthusiast @Humpleupagus @apropos @BowsacNoodle @Kang_Kong3 @Shadowman311 @purvispisgah basically suicide by cop, only in this case suicide by fed