@Moon I think Aral Balkan uses it pretty extensively. I think it's a big improvement and covers almost every single use case of javascript that I used to use. Anything that's more complex than that, I'm writing in WASM now anyway.
@bananarama if you happen to have any public code you could share I would love to see it! I am curious about using wasm this way. If not that's fine too though.
@shpuld@Moon In theory yes, in practice it's always easy to accidentally have something slip through (it happened to Pleroma, too!) and that's exactly why CSP exists in the first place. The «alternative» proposed in the docs (hx-disable) is also very easily bypassed.
I'm not saying it's inherently insecure, just that it has footgun potential. It seems like a cool idea otherwise. I kind of want to try it with something like TailwindCSS and see how far I can get only writing HTML.