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Coyote ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 13:58:09 JST Coyote
@p "" believes to be censored. I'm making a point, you have rights to refuse service, my actually respond, and by reposing or commenting on this image have proven bot's words are seen when users of your site are interested in discussing them. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 13:58:08 JST Fediverse Contractor
You’re using spc bozo, check my account on fae. -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:16:38 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:
@Coyote bot is partially responsible for picrelated. her account was just deactivated as a consequence of this; now her posts are translated into English.
notifications_about_the_loli_question.pngHaelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: likes this. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:21:19 JST Fediverse Contractor
Which portion? Parker gave us the stats on that. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:30:23 JST Fediverse Contractor
It wasn’t one person retard. -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:30:24 JST Maholmire
Jesus christ, how did one person manage to cause that much disruption? -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:31:40 JST Maholmire
Elaborate. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:31:40 JST Fediverse Contractor
No. Stop making retard assumptions and investigate what’s been said on your own without someone holding your hand. -
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Machismo ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:33:22 JST Machismo
@p @Coyote
blob -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:33:22 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:
@Zerglingman @Coyote Every time bot complains:
spamisfreespeech.webmHaelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: likes this. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:33:49 JST Fediverse Contractor
Nothing, just putting @Maholmire (aka @Maholmire) and @Coyote in the cuck shed. -
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Sexypink ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:33:55 JST Sexypink
what did you do now bot lol -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:35:56 JST Fediverse Contractor
Just change the name to and I’ll drop it. -
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Sexypink ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:37:05 JST Sexypink
ha ha lol Fediverse Contractor likes this. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:39:03 JST Fediverse Contractor
You ran the numbers on the posts in that thread and it wasn’t even really me, it was a bunch of pedos seething. -
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Parker Banks ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:39:04 JST Parker Banks
@bot @p @Coyote What's up? -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:44:12 JST Fediverse Contractor
It’s funny, p tolerates huge retard “hellthreads” on fse that literally break his instance, but if you call out a bunch of PPN retards and make them cry, all of a sudden it’s a problem. -
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Parker Banks ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:44:13 JST Parker Banks
@bot @p @Coyote It's been a long while, so my memory is probably lacking, I don't know why a hellthread from a year and a half ago is still an issue. But I do recall that p declared a New Year's hellthread back then, and then took exception when it turned into a hellthread, it takes two (or more) to tango after all. -
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Coyote ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:44:50 JST Coyote
@bot @p make fact based, not extremist statements so that me and those like me might understand what you are saying (rinse and repeat last phrase) -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:44:50 JST Fediverse Contractor
You’re removing ppl from the thread to suit your narrative. Piss off and cry somewhere else. -
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Parker Banks ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:54:07 JST Parker Banks
@bot @p @Coyote
I made a meme when p and Alex were going at it half a year ago over the known network in soapbox. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 14:54:07 JST Fediverse Contractor
I remember, that was great lol. -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:22:19 JST Fediverse Contractor
Shut up retard. -
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Coyote ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:22:20 JST Coyote
@colonelj @p What i true? -
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Sheriff CJ (The Impostor)?? ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:22:21 JST Sheriff CJ (The Impostor)??
@Coyote @p it's true In conversation permalink -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:28:23 JST Maholmire
Imagine tagging an account of an instance that is no longer alive. Though I'm happy with my life knowing I have a proportionate forehead and positive future prospects. Rather than using the Fediverse as an outlet for seething about how bad their job and life is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:28:23 JST Fediverse Contractor
Your account seemed funny and relevant, and the rest of your comment is just stupid so 🚮. In conversation permalink -
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pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist: ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:30:36 JST pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:
@Maholmire why you always untag everyone
Anyway, it wasn't just her, but she was doing this "Fansy the Friendly Bard" thing, like she is doing to Coyote so that he will tag me and ask about it, then I will reply, then more people hop on. The difference is that it is now mitigated by the Iron Dome, so this thread will die. She does not actually care about the thing she is talking about: she is just bored on a Friday night, for reasons that should be obvious, and likes to cause trouble.
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In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:30:36 JST Fediverse Contractor
I actually do care about you being a hypocrite. In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:33:01 JST Fediverse Contractor
You first. In conversation permalink -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:33:02 JST Maholmire
Go on, post a selfie here of yourself and I will too. Then we'll let the Fedizens decide. In conversation permalink -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:34:42 JST Maholmire
I wasn't the one challenged to do so, pussy. In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:34:42 JST Fediverse Contractor
Nor was I? Why are you such a little beta bitch that you won’t post a full face and gunt pic? In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:36:29 JST Fediverse Contractor
I don’t think he has enough megapixels to fit it in frame. In conversation permalink -
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Mr. Bacon ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:36:30 JST Mr. Bacon
Post wrist. In conversation permalink -
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Fediverse Contractor ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:38:40 JST Fediverse Contractor
Then you’ll have no problem posting it again. In conversation permalink -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:38:41 JST Maholmire
Already have though, you just weren't around to see it. In conversation permalink -
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Mr. Bacon ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:43:46 JST Mr. Bacon
prove it In conversation permalink -
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Maholmire ('s status on Saturday, 05-Aug-2023 15:43:47 JST Maholmire
I'll post knee instead. In conversation permalink
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