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@RehnSturm256 @CatLord @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer if it's worse than that, id on't wnna know
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@CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer worst countr on earth
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@Zealist @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer B
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@Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer wtf is even that
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@Zealist @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer
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@Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer FOR WHAT PURPOSE
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@Zealist @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer electric shower head
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@Zealist @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer >he only takes cold showers
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@ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer no, i live in a civilized nation that stores hot water in tanks heated by gas or electricity and no exposed wiring LOL
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@Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer well, if i had to choose between possibly electricuting myself or a cold shower, i'd go bath in a lake like my ancestors
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@Zealist @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer favelas only get cold water
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@Zealist @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer go ahead, take a dive
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@Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer well you know, i guess i didn't think about that, cuz i live in an area that has nice clean lakes and forests and houses that arent packed on top of each other or made of refuse.
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@ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer alright, i live in the very rural midwest, by the time it gets taht bad here, i'll be 2 generations removed from being alive at least
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@Zealist @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer For now...
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@pyrate @CatLord @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @RehnSturm256 @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer any culture that does this to it's natural scenery hsuld be annihialted from the planet for the safety of hte rest of us
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Culture is beautiful.
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@Zealist @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer average midwest lake today
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@Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer naw, i don't live in michigan
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@Zealist @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer idaho, nigbruhskat etc. same same
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@Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer always with you come back niggas like "HAH WHAT ABOUT THIS PICTURE I FOUND" ok, but i've never seen a lake that dirty in my local area ever, shit went swimming in strip mines as a kid and they were clean LOL
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@Zealist @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer Boomer attitude cringe
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@ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer it's not abotu a boomer attitude, you literally said 'not yet' like it's inevitable, but my entire life philsophy is at least educating my progeny on how to prevent it.
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@ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer but were it inevitable and i couldn't stop it, it still wouldn't come till i was long gone.
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@Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer what cna i say, there's no niggers or shitskins in general to shit up our lakes sorry, also Christ is KING
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@Zealist @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer >i never seen this thus it's not true
you sound like a fedora tipper
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@Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer there's absolutely no reason to get shitty, seems like every day people are like "BUT WHAT ABOUT HTIS HOW BAD THIGNS ARE" yea shits bad, and itll get worse, but who the fuck wants to wallow in that instead of trying to do what little they cna with their life and think of something bright for the future rather than how shit it could or might be. FUCK
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@Silvsilvchan @Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer *shug*
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@Zealist @Granwalder @ForbiddenDreamer @CatLord @RehnSturm256 @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @Jim @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer I don't care what mainstream retards say, considering the Rust Belt part of the Midwest is stupid. It is like considering Turkey part of Europe.
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@Eiswald @GolfCartLady @nice-nigger @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @Zealist @RehnSturm256 @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer is nigbot defederated? i cant see it either
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I can't see Nigbot at all from Poast, but I can see him from Decayable Ink. I tried removing the bot tag from him too.
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Just curious because we had an issue
like this with poetry bot earlier....
Do you have nigbot blocked or muted?
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@GolfCartLady @nice-nigger @CatLord @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @Zealist @RehnSturm256 @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer Nope, just can't see him. Only faggot I've got blocked, or ever blocked, is that creepy nigger who follows everyone and whines about racism.
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N :ghost_heart:
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I :ghost_heart:
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@GolfCartLady @nice-nigger @CatLord @Dan_Hulson @ForbiddenDreamer @Granwalder @Jim @Silvsilvchan @Twoinchdestroya @VidyaH0meSyst3m @Zealist @RehnSturm256 @SecretFriendlyDutchBoomer G