In a group chat identifying mushrooms my tech bro friend went "just use AI".
What a great examle of the harm this automation does. The point of identifying something like plants or shrooms ourselves is not just in getting the answer, it's about what we learn along the way. Little details, differentiating factors, other species that look similar. And so much more.
With something like mushrooms this process of identifying (learning) is what keeps the mushroom picker alive, not just the ready answer. With the answer alone, we learn nothing. There is so much more to human decision making and processes than just the end point. To understand, we need to get there ourselves.
I would never trust an AI with my mushrooms, I would however always trust a seasoned picker who has spent a lifetime seeing all the variations that can happen. And I would still hesitate to eat something I am not myself 110% sure of.
So thanks, not using AI for that.