@flyhigh @Sheril en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimate… starts at 50 k years ago and gets to a similar figure, 100+ G people.
It also says at 200 k years ago there were about 200 k humans. If they gave birth to 10x as many kids as an affluent country today, that would be 40 k people born each year.
If we pretend that was stable from 300 k years ago to 50 k years ago that's 4 G people every 100 k years, so that's the difference if you move between 100 k years ago, 200 k years ago etc as the cutoff. Speciation is said to have been 100 k – 300 k years ago.
I believe at some point there was a bottleneck when humans almost went extinct and were down to 2 k people, so the handwaving above should be a high estimate.