@taxorubio Before you could navigate and view the files and folders of a project without running proprietary JavaScript, now you just get a blank page as attached.
The main project page with the file tree and readme viewing, plus viewing pull requests seems to work...for now.
@taxorubio Yes, microsoft loves "open source", as they can throw around buzzwords and make people "feel good" and fail to realise what is being advertised to them is proprietary software.
They really love committing mass copyright infringement against all public projects too (the case for such infringements is pending, but sadly it seems the complainants made a few procedural errors and microsoft has more lawyers and endlessly deep pockets).
I don't see as to why those tools would even need github already, as git over https and https fileserving is all those tools should need when it comes to downloading software.
@Suiseiseki Most people are not going to care, but it really sucks that GitHub has become Microsft's platform to brag about loving open source while locking the developers.
I would love to see a mass migration of repos to self-hosted forges, but there are many tools that depend on GH like cargo, Packer or Lazy :/