Another account of @PaulaToThePeople.
This is all about #Fairphone.
The story:
Do you remember back in the days when #Apple installed the suicide nets in "their" factories?
That's when I decided I'll no longer buy any Apple products.
When my iPhone died I looked around for a more sustainable and/or free (as in freedom) option.
So I stumbled upon Fairphone and bought the #FP1 or rather the #FP1u.
Soon afterwards I joined the first Fairphone meeting that took place in Vienna, Austria and we founded the @AustrianFairphoners.
So I joined the Fairphone community on Dec 9, '14 and it was like a family for me for a long time.
In 2018 I was actually introduced to the #Fediverse via the Fairphone forum.
In 2019 I joined #FridaysForFuture and ever since, I'm less active with Fairphone, but I would still never buy another phone and if I get the chance to help setup a Fediverse instance for Fairphone of course I will take it. 🙂
Who else owns a Fairphone here? I'd love to read your Fairphone origin stories. 😉