@Eiswald@Bead@CatLord@ChurnHinge@Dan_Hulson@Fash-E@WeissenSocken88 I never understood why teachers were so hell-bent on getting rid of student bartering and then immediately turning right around and teaching about "free market economy in the US" in history class. Kids bartering stuff is the best object lesson in free trade there is.
@WeissenSocken88@ChurnHinge@Bead@Fash-E@Dan_Hulson@CatLord Remember when I was in elementary school the gymnasium in the morning was like a bazaar where gameboy games, toys, cards, and other shit would get bought, sold, and traded. Those fucking kikes and cunts eventually shut it all down. Used to make creepy crawlers and sell them. Took color commissions and shit. lol
@ChurnHinge@Dan_Hulson@CatLord The booster packs are super overpriced but only certain rare cards are worth any real money. I remember back in elementary school you had to watch your cards closely or theyd get stolen. There was more than a few fights during recess over stolen cards lol. Couldnt get away with that today. Elementary schools are all gay now.
@Fash-E@Dan_Hulson@CatLord oh! some one was posting those coin things a week ago or so. I thought it was casino tokens, but I later asked my dad and he laughed his ass off and said it was call pog and it was very stupid, but he used to collect them. the children would buy really cheap ones and try to trade like 20+ for just one of the original ones
@victor@Bead@CatLord@ChurnHinge@Dan_Hulson@Fash-E@WeissenSocken88 Pretty fucking counter intuitive isn't it? It's less difficult to understand when you know they're trained to fuck you in the head anyway. Mixed messaging, pavlovian conditioning, revisionist history, the whole gambit of fucked up psychological preconditioning and conditioning. Fuck teachers.
@ChurnHinge@victor@CatLord@Dan_Hulson@Eiswald@Fash-E@WeissenSocken88 You missed out. There was a special kind of magic back in the day. Kids constantly finding new toys, new collectibles, new trends. Constantly trading, arguing, and fighting. Massive fads that would sweep the school only to disappear in a month. Lowkey beloved things people kept for years.
It was a kid's world and teachers, adults, and outsiders weren't allowed.
@victor@CatLord@ChurnHinge@Dan_Hulson@Eiswald@Fash-E@WeissenSocken88 Still got a scar on my arm from getting stabbed with a pencil by a kid who thought he got ripped off when he traded his copy of LoZ2 for my copy of Megaman 2. It was too hard for him so he thought I only traded it because it was too hard for mw.