@dantescanline ok so do you know the improv theatre technique of "yes, and?" I present you the First World Left tehcnique of "yes, totally!"
it goes like this: me: "I literally had my head bashed open and one month later nazis drew a gun on people at the squat. You have to understand, the chances that you or someone next to you end up stabbed or shot is only going to keep increasing. so what I want is to normalise in the German scene that people carry tourniquets and trauma kits and the knowledge of how to use them"
they: "yes, totally!"
me: "and for that I need help, I can give talks and workshops but only in English, and also I don't have a medical background. this org sounds like a great space for it, it would be great if your org could fundraise to send a German speaker to the stopthebleed.de course, then share this knowledge, and maybe advertise to find a paramedic willing to advise us..."
they: "yes, totally!"
me: (so, are we going to get down to it, or...?)
(cricket noises)
(tumbleweed rolls by)
then someone says that this is taking too much time and this is a plenum not a discussion round, three other people twinkle hands, and someone else complains that we have to work tomorrow and let's move on with the agenda
@ramonita that's fucking terrible, for something actually super useful. do ppl here just assume its the sani's job to know that and no one else might need it in a pinch? like maybe people get hurt outside of demos (shocker)
None of the groups, orgs, and spaces I asked will give me the space or support I need to run a single tourniquet workshop. If I want to get out of the plenum-demo cycle and find mates to actually do things I'll need to start my own crew. If you're in the Ruhrgebiet and want to do things ping me for matrix