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Cyberpsychosis is real and ravaging its way through humanity.
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@Leaflord isn't that a Cyberpunk 2020 concept?
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Did you vote in my poll about seeing your neighbour bringing in groceries?
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@Leaflord Ok guess you can determine your reality. By the way I have serious doubts about the plausibility of existence 😹
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@Leaflord well what if I say the opposite who will determine the one being right. Washington post fact checkers?
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That would be me
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It's real because I said so.
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@Leaflord @Leaflord But how can we definitely determine what's real and not? Anything can be real have you given this a thought? Even stuff that makes people break down in contemptuous laughter can't be scientifically disproven. Sure some certainties can be measured but how can you be sure the scientists and people laughing exist? Are you sure you are real? I know I exist but can't be sure in what state of reality.
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If that’s true, what am I thinking rn?
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@bot @Leaflord you know peoples minds are connected and influence each other
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Whatever you decide to be real is real. That's just how it be.
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@Leaflord @Nou Science said covid was killing gazilliions and natural immunity did no longer exist by magic. It's really weird how money determines what's real. And who is going to believe that all of existence came out of a little peanut. That is something I have doubts about. But we are free to make alternative facts ourselves
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@Leaflord @diceynes If science is making niggers not exist... has it gone far enough? 🤔
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We must go farther
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Damn, this nigga doesn't exist. Has science gone too far? You decide
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Except troons.
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@parker @Leaflord @Nou it's about your hobbies I have no interest in impressing you as I we aren't friends I'm just talking freely about what I do inside my head when trying to reach a deeper state of being in the now. It's a social media after all and we share thoughts I don't now why you are offended by this.
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@parker @Leaflord @Nou if you think about the universe is brought to life every second of every day.
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@diceynes @Leaflord @Nou This sounds an awful lot like trying to sound smart for the sake of sounding smart. The universe is, I don't have to philosophize it any more than that.
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@parker @Leaflord @Nou it's part of the sensation of deep state of trance willing the universe forming it and creating your reality by moving the atoms. It's just a state of mind you experience for yourself and have nothing to do with your relations. Those that know me see me as very polite and funny person. What games you play with your mind and the reality don't affect how you deal with people. I'm not a narcissist
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@parker @Leaflord @Nou not a fan of thinking in a banal way about existing. I'm sure there is more to life than inserting your penis into a vagina and thrusting in and out. There is the whole expanding your mind and experimenting a deep connection with the life force that everything consists of. Feeling emphaty towards yourself and building up your consciousness. Some people just need beer and pussy but we all experience life differently
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@diceynes @Leaflord @Nou I mean, you can have that experience in any number of ways, going out to the woods, pursuing excellence in a trade/art, you name it, without playing unanswerable mind games with yourself about whether or not you really exist.
Considering said theory was "the universe doesn't exist but we make it exist", which doesn't say much about you connecting with life around you.
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@Leaflord @diceynes @Nou Maybe if they theorize really hard, they can bring it into existence themselves.
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@Leaflord @diceynes @Nou You know what doesn't exist though? Their sex life LOL
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Basically this. Theorycels and deconstructioncels need to chill and go outside
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@diceynes @Leaflord @Nou It exists because it does. Anything else is just nerd cope.
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@Leaflord @Nou I mean some of the new science seriously contemplate that the universe don't exist. And at the same time exist because we bring it into existence ourselves. This is not schizo theories but real scientific progress.
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Like I said before, never trust anyone who is trying to transcend the human experience. So when trannies are saying they are women, they are lying and therefore not creating reality. Simple really.
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@Leaflord @Nou @bot very funny 😁