@Stoori 🤭 Ooh, 1987 was the year of the "Fyra bugg och en Coca Cola" controversy.
In case anyone is wondering what the heck "boogaloo dansa rock'n'roll-a" is about. 😄
@Stoori 🤭 Ooh, 1987 was the year of the "Fyra bugg och en Coca Cola" controversy.
In case anyone is wondering what the heck "boogaloo dansa rock'n'roll-a" is about. 😄
i'm getting quite tired of these monotonous late 1980s eurovisions. where are all the good shows? not in 1987 anyway.
i guess my favourite this time was Israel: Datner & Kushnir - Shir Habatlanim, one of the few songs that rose above the mass. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=JnXqF3on1kg&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mD1MJG4YJjsgNRwwciS8Gkn&index=15
also Belgium's Liliane Saint-Pierre - Soldiers of Love made an impression. that coat is gorgeous btw. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=euEiSLGdIN4&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mD1MJG4YJjsgNRwwciS8Gkn&index=18
1986 didn't offer much over 1985. music was your average 80s pop with synths and dramatic drums, but none of the songs caught my attention in any special way.
costumes and dance moves instead were extremely wild, and if you like 80s style, be sure to check them! almost any song is a good example, but i'd like to show you Denmark: Lise Haavik - Du er fuld af løgn because of that dancer in a tailcoat and underwear. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=V5nTLkNPX2o&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mBgC1oXCEljRNV909UdgLDM&index=16
and just like that 1985 is a very dull and uninteresting year. the 80s style in costumes and stage goes strong, but the music has nothing spectacular.
i guess my favourite this time was Luxemburg with Margo/ F.Olivier/ C.Roberts... - Children, Kinder, Enfants, because of that interesting chorus background https://y.com.sb/watch?v=XumSPzsl6mQ&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mD3Y-t2Z3nt2EdmtOJwSdk3&index=17
1984 is wild, one of the best so far! we've really arrived in the deep end of the 1980s. i'll have to keep this concise.
Sweden is on a roll, helylle pojkar med Diggi-loo Diggi-ley earned their win. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=oxRpno1JQU8&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=0
Turkey has a solid song https://y.com.sb/watch?v=wcL_EVL7olE&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=11
two train themed songs: Italy https://y.com.sb/watch?v=Q3KUujSf3t8&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=5 and Finland https://y.com.sb/watch?v=5G_vnjEL9R4&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=8
and these style icons of UK https://y.com.sb/watch?v=LgeFkRr_98M&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=6 and Norway https://y.com.sb/watch?v=e7fLpKM13w4&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC36t-UNA4XpdTahKYE-H1I&index=16
1983 was quite an average year overall, but there was one song above everyone else.
i'm of course talking about Sweden and Carola - Främling. Sweden should've won. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=jsOOarxxzFY&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mCCfMzKZZrw8zTCtu-BZUQT&index=2
another good song this year was Italy: Riccardo Fogli - Per Lucia https://y.com.sb/watch?v=zTqCLytRDUU&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mCCfMzKZZrw8zTCtu-BZUQT&index=10
and somehow i enjoyed the chaos energy in Belgium's song: Pas de Deux - Rendez-vous https://y.com.sb/watch?v=JRfve3wHYUY&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mCCfMzKZZrw8zTCtu-BZUQT&index=17
ah, i totally forgot! the winning entry in 1982, Germany's Nicole - Ein bisschen Frieden is also cute, and not a bad winner at all. i especially like her dialect https://y.com.sb/watch?v=CJDxnWFqpiA&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC0RLDiTEUyEi7UpcLgB3kp&index=0
in 1982 Sweden sent in a very regular swedish dance schlager, Chips - Dag Efter Dag. but take a listen to those fart horns! spectacular! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=dwJjH79DMCA&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC0RLDiTEUyEi7UpcLgB3kp&index=5
and the absolute chaos banger of the year, Finland: Kojo - Nuku pommiin. this is the iconic ”zero points” song in finnish folklore, but i can't but admire the chaotic evil energy of this show. the lyrics are against nuclear armament btw. why zero points?!?! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=MmpyXSXZcAA
great meinings in 1982! lots of catchy songs, lots of colourful performances, lots of chaos energy. well, also lots of hetero energy, but i guess we'll have to wait for the overt queerification of the eurovision a bit longer still.
my favourite was Portugal: Bem Bom - Doce. just look at those costumes! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=35nxOVsQfCQ&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC0RLDiTEUyEi7UpcLgB3kp&index=10
Denmark: Brixx - Video-video was also good https://y.com.sb/watch?v=C2Z8h6wowoc&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mC0RLDiTEUyEi7UpcLgB3kp&index=14
(oh, i have to make another toot for 1982)
1981 didn't offer much new after 1980. lots of cheesy songs, but nothing spectacular.
i really can't say, if any of them was my favourite. i've already forgotten them. except Finland's Riki Sorsa - Reggae OK, mainly because i'm familiar with the song from earlier, but it is a good example of 1981's chaos energy: mediocre song but over the top costumes and stage moves. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=KmLM-IC4wsU&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDDwSP_grlZgMe4eg3x_5P9&index=4
1980 was generally quite good, but no songs or shows that popped above the average...
...except Belgium: Telex - Euro-vision. music is nice synthpop, and there are synths on stage too, and the lyrics are some meta nonsense about eurovision. should have won imo! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=1yYm7dRvDzQ&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDe-gtCpCwW5vS66G2qY2vQ&index=18
oh btw, this was the year when Morocco also attended with a song in arabic. i enjoyed it!
the Norwegian song also featured a sámi joiku singer, even though the song was in norwegian.
1979, yet another average eurovision.
two performaces rose above the other. the first was of course Germany's Dschingis Khan https://y.com.sb/watch?v=KPSWnohPeuk&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mAW8KF_WkyuG3AeXASlmc9d&index=5
another totally bongos show was Switzerland's Trödler und Co with their bunch of imaginary ad-hoc instruments https://y.com.sb/watch?v=hI1p2XppZ9A&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mAW8KF_WkyuG3AeXASlmc9d&index=17
and Finland's Katri Helena with Katson sineen taivaan is not so bad as finns generally claim it to be. give it a chance! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=pBiBN5tbuXk&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mAW8KF_WkyuG3AeXASlmc9d&index=3
1978, in its turn, was a boring show. lots of ballads, not a single banger.
i can't disagree with those who gave Israel the most points. not any especially good song, but the least bad of this lot. Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta - A-Ba-Ni-Bi (א-ב-ני-בי) https://y.com.sb/watch?v=GCHdhmc4_9E&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mD6lL47Koi35oh_bMNQjf6R&index=17
what an excellent year 1977 was! clearly one of the best. far too many bangers to list them all, but here are my picks:
Germany: using telegraph as an instrument https://y.com.sb/watch?v=kNpW9WqbCiY&list=PLA20FAE0BC3CC448B&index=6
Luxembourg: funky schlager goth version of Frere Jacques https://y.com.sb/watch?v=JxFkEKlDpJM&list=PLA20FAE0BC3CC448B&index=7
Switzerland: a fucking alpine horn! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=IwqxloYwsJg&list=PLA20FAE0BC3CC448B&index=12
Finland: a powerful song about a witch https://y.com.sb/watch?v=1rbM-gXnbCY&list=PLA20FAE0BC3CC448B&index=16
France: it just sticks to your head https://y.com.sb/watch?v=UHDhcHRrtAQ&list=PLA20FAE0BC3CC448B&index=18
1976 had a good overall swing once again - we're back from the ballad territory, yay!
my favourite this time was this totally cheesy song of Norway: Anne-Karine Ström - Mata Hari https://y.com.sb/watch?v=KeiVrpRWM1M&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDYIiU4o1Z3rngfDo5oyP9h&index=8
also France: Catherine Ferry - Un, Deux, Trois was catchy https://y.com.sb/watch?v=3zSK0hMSVlY&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDYIiU4o1Z3rngfDo5oyP9h&index=16
Switzerland: Peter, Sue & Marc - Djambo Djambo had a creepy clown with a draaiorgel https://y.com.sb/watch?v=bo-584dMfbc&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDYIiU4o1Z3rngfDo5oyP9h&index=1
and Finland had a buttbump song (better in finnish) https://y.com.sb/watch?v=xbLcgS2_8QU&list=PLwVpAwiOa7mDYIiU4o1Z3rngfDo5oyP9h&index=10
then 1975, which was a quite toned down, more balladesque year.
linguistically of interest is Turkey, first time a Turkic language in ESC.
i couldn't find any clear favourites for myself. still, i think i liked the juicy 1970s sounds of Israel (Shlomo Artzi - "At Va'Ani" (את ואני)) https://y.com.sb/watch?v=uXkULDSYGCk&list=PLKgC4cGeVRSqfl5ESzHXEYOtOzsNTW8Dt&index=5 and Italy (Wess and Dori Ghezzi - Era) https://y.com.sb/watch?v=sjDHAe1wdsQ&list=PLKgC4cGeVRSqfl5ESzHXEYOtOzsNTW8Dt&index=6
and of course the winning Netherlands: Teach-In - Ding-a-dong sounded okay https://y.com.sb/watch?v=mNxMSnbyBcg
and we're in 1974, one of the greatest years for eurovision.
truly, the overall quality of the show is great, lots of very enjoyable songs. for example Netherlands brought a real small draaiorgel on the stage: Netherlands - Mouth & MacNeal - I see a star https://y.com.sb/watch?v=XeBvSgMe6cg&list=PLKgC4cGeVRSp6hcGoSuXBQuUtGHbS4w14&index=9
but of course the real winners of 1974 were ABBA from Sweden with Waterloo. and it's a great song in silly costumes! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=3FsVeMz1F5c&list=PLKgC4cGeVRSp6hcGoSuXBQuUtGHbS4w14&index=13
1973 continued with 1972's lines. very average songs, nothing spectacular.
looks like this is the year when english started to gain foothold. Finland, Norway and Sweden all performed in english this time. boring.
my favourite this time was Netherland's goofy Ben Cramer - De Oude Muzikant https://yewtu.be/watch?v=X6JqeLK3DQU&list=PL6623948B951DCB7B&index=12
1972 was a boring year for eurovision. not really any memorable songs, and not even the winner was very interesting.
linguistically interesting though was that this time Ireland performed in Gaelic.
i guess my favourite — that is, the least bad song this year — was Netherlands and Sandra & Andres - Als Het Om De Liefde Gaat, it at least had some goofiness in it. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6OiROaI0FF0&list=PLF38E5363BA7C82B0&index=17
another favourites of mine in 1971 were Portugal: Tonicha - Menina (Do Alto Da Serra), a catchy song https://y.com.sb/watch?v=YMPF88rtrbk&list=PL6A56E518F8401C58&index=14
and Yugoslavia's Yugoslavia - Krunoslav Slabinac - Tvoj Dječak Je Tužan with funky balkan sounds that really trended only in the 2000s https://y.com.sb/watch?v=iX-LJdpxxbM&list=PL6A56E518F8401C58&index=15
generally i feel like there was a steady uptick of duos and groups, often accompanied by guitars or other stage instruments. so a step towards good show and not just singing.
and eurovision rebounds in 1971 with full 18 songs and a generally good show with lots of swing.
linguistically this was an interesting year. not was there a song in a non-standard dialect for the first time (Austria), there was also the first song in a semitic language when Malta participated for the first time. tho Malta's song wasn't very good...
Monaco's Séverine - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue earned the win, the song is still played around https://y.com.sb/watch?v=9oGow6SKPbc&list=PL6A56E518F8401C58&index=2
after previous year's fiasco, there were only 12 entries in 1970, and mostly they were just mediocre.
Ireland's Dana - All Kinds Of Everything earned the win, no problem with that, a solid and nice song. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=ka5OfjwB3nM&list=PL3197E26B76956003&index=12
another noteworthy entry was Spain's Julio Iglesias - Gwendolyne. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=xlqiv5q2lgE&list=PL3197E26B76956003&index=8
other than that, not worth listening really.
and then to 1969, which was quite bongos with four winners. this alone should tell you that there wasn't any spectacularly good songs but overall very mediocre ones.
i guess i liked most about Yugoslavia's silliness. namely Ivan & M's - Pozdrav Svijetu is a multilingual song, wishing you a good day in quite a lot of languages. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=-zubKloWHEw&list=PL9000E17D3E761971&index=0
and then, Sweden is once again solid. Tommy Körberg - Judy, Min Vän https://y.com.sb/watch?v=RRI5mzHoi5g&list=PL9000E17D3E761971&index=8
one interesting thing about 1968. the winner song, Spain's Massiel - La, La, La certainly has lots of la la la in it. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=SEfilnmFMlU&list=PL329BA020EE9CD7B2&index=14
and not only that, because right after it Germany's Wencke Myhre - Ein Hoch Der Liebe gives us another load of la la la https://y.com.sb/watch?v=SnDbsHRCkVc&list=PL329BA020EE9CD7B2&index=15
this is probably where this finnish song ”Life is like eurovision” by Leevi and the Leavings from 2000 got its inspiration https://y.com.sb/watch?v=-tfiDer_ASA
1968, and we've entered into the era of color tv!
my favourite this time was Yugoslavia: Dubrovački Trubaduri - Jedan Dan was perhaps the first example of ”ethno music with weird instruments” — and a real banger! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=MMyESJ9xuCY&list=PL329BA020EE9CD7B2&index=16
also Norway: Odd Børre - Stress is a song about hectic modern life https://y.com.sb/watch?v=b4R7F9mFoaM&list=PL329BA020EE9CD7B2&index=12
Sweden: Claes-Göran Hederström - Det Börjar Verka Kärlek, Banne Mej wasn't bad either, some solid swedish dance music https://y.com.sb/watch?v=RrAFwIoY_z0&list=PL329BA020EE9CD7B2&index=7
1967 keeps up going strong like the previous year.
this time i got the very first awesome wtf moment from the eurovision with Monaco's unapologetically wild Minouche Barelli - Boum-Badaboum. like, what's going on with that song? wow! https://y.com.sb/watch?v=aPwd6IKgGQQ&list=PL0ED3227A29D385F7&index=12
and then Luxembourg's Vicky Leandros - L'Amour Est Bleu is something that my mother sang to me with her own lyrics when i was small, so i'll pick it as my second favourite. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=bkEs6DHn3B0&list=PL0ED3227A29D385F7&index=1
my favourite from 1966 was Norway's Intet Er Nytt Under Solen https://y.com.sb/watch?v=hS1-YJtovaI&list=PL6F4397C1CA65E79C&index=5
another nice one was Italy's Domenico Modugno - Dio, Come Ti Amo, especially for the music https://y.com.sb/watch?v=UReor05rPsI&list=PL6F4397C1CA65E79C&index=13
but the most hypnotic eye contact had Luxembourg's Michèle Torr - Ce Soir Je T'Attendais https://y.com.sb/watch?v=B4j3vQejJBg (compare that stare with what Amanda Palmer did in https://y.com.sb/watch?v=uAk93YZgTts)
wow! this gives me so much energy to go forward with this project.
wow, what a change we see when we get to 1966! this was in total a great year for eurovision. so many *good* songs. the early sentimentalism is gone and eurovision has turned into a real feast of joy!
lots of energetic 1960s sounds and some iconic cultural breakthroughs:
- first woman with guitar and wearing pants, gosh!
- first man wearing a skirt (well, a kilt, but you know!)
- first black singer in eurovision.
- and if i heard right, first electronic sounds!
1965 was clearly a year of noisy and aggressive 1960s pop music. and a year of girlboss ballads.
the winning song, Luxembourg's France Gall - Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son clearly earned the win, and no wonder it has become so memorable, even tho i've no idea what the song is about. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=UdludUIM_Tk&list=PL78F440FF79807BBA&index=14
my other favourite was Norway: Kirsti Sparboe - Karusell, where a child wants to ride a carousel. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=7r_wetdKq1w&list=PL78F440FF79807BBA&index=6
1964 offers no surprises: most of the songs i've already forgotten before they even end.
perhaps that's why i liked Finland the most also this time, because i could understand the lyrics so well. and Lasse Mårtenson - Laiskotellen is a nice song about a lazy sunday and the beauty of not needing to work. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=az0qmvY29mo&list=PL7CBFF1F3136D8C84&index=4
other than that perhaps Austria: Udo Jürgens - Warum Nur, Warum? was okay too. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=KrN_p9jbsfk
1963 continues on the familiar path.
this time i guess i liked Italy the most. Emilio Pericoli - Uno Per Tutte https://y.com.sb/watch?v=gn8GMilGDZw&list=PL6C16AF2BD9671643&index=5
then there was this, um, proof that sweden has not always been the pop hit factory it is nowaday. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=j19HXn0-iGc&list=PL6C16AF2BD9671643&index=12
1962 was once again not very interesting year for eurovision.
it's easy to see why France won with Isabelle Aubret - Un Premier Amour, as most of the other songs were just so... bulk. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=N2KxEdN6kX4&list=PLE749F1E5242854EC&index=8
and in this context my favourite was in fact Finland: Marion Rung - Tipi-Tii. it's a happy tune about birds in the springtime, so it's just what fedi wants to hear. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=vn3ufKi2PXw&list=PLE749F1E5242854EC&index=0
and we moved towards a more interesting direction with 1961.
notable new countries this year: finland, singing in finnish, and yugoslavia, singing in serbo-croatian. so the first languages outside of germanic and romance languages.
lots of happy songs, and curiously many songs about seasons.
my favourite was Spain: Conchita Bautista - Estando Contigo https://y.com.sb/watch?v=qPOP5gTnGcY&list=PL87D7940A1F2E4BA2&index=0
also, Italy had a good power ballad: Betty Curtis - Al Di Là https://y.com.sb/watch?v=yUt5XlrAAY4&list=PL87D7940A1F2E4BA2&index=15
1960 is yet another completely uninteresting year.
i guess the winning song, France's Jacqueline Boyer - Tom Pillibi, earned its win, as it at least has a memorable tune, but i couldn't say that even it was any personal favourite of mine.
i went straight ahead and listened to 1959 today too.
what an utterly useless year in eurovision. songs fell in two categories only: those that you forget right after you've heard them, and those that are crap.
i can't pick my favourite from these.
1958 had three songs worth mentioning.
first is of course Italy: Domenico Modugno - Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare), the first eurovision song that is still being played around. and it's not bad, perhaps best of this year. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=9DPAb9-Stmo&list=PLD42A1900DFFBDFA1&index=0
Denmark: Raquel Rastenni - Jeg Rev Et Blad Ud Af Min Dagbog. looks like i have a soft spot for songs in danish. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=IGMLrLgVmR0&list=PLD42A1900DFFBDFA1&index=5
Switzerland: Lys Assia - Giorgio, early example of ESC nonsens https://y.com.sb/watch?v=gGsalvX8K4c&list=PLD42A1900DFFBDFA1&index=9
oh, i forgot to link to the danish song https://y.com.sb/watch?v=vX3WRMF5TuY&list=PLD4C4BD674B455086&index=8
1957 listened. the boring 1950s style popular music continues, but i will struggle through these.
my favourite this time was the danish duo Birthe Wilke & Gustav Winckler with the song Skibet Skal Sejle I Nat. it was the first duo performance in eurovision, and also the first where the performers had some ”role” costumes, thus making it the first ”stage show” and not just singing.
italia almost had the first man and his guitar too, although with two separate persons
1956 listened. 14 songs, only solo artists. already from beginning you can recognise some persistent eurovision phenomena, like many of the songs are just boring and hard to discern from each other. also, 1950s popular music in general is not what i prefer much.
the winner (Switzerland: Lys Assia - Refrain) is not bad, but i think i liked the most on Germany's Walter Andreas Schwarz - Im Wartesaal Zum Großen Glück
i've started a new project: i'll listen through all previous eurovision contestant songs in chronological order, starting from 1956.
there are more than 1600 songs to listen to, so this will probably take several months. i won't be livetooting the songs, but i could at least pick my own favourite from every year and tell it to you.
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