@Sp@laura4 I don't like marx because in my view he was a dirty liberal who supported free trade and I think protectionism is the only way to help the workers. same with open borders types today who want to drive down labor prices while believing they're helping workers, its sad smh
@augustus@laura4 Lmao true idek how many times linen and coats are mentioned before page 100
I'm glad the soviets rewrote it to be more accessible and the most important parts, like party organization and dieleticism are beautifully written by Stalin, though technical
My favourite author is Ho Chi Minh, he puts his points on paper so well and writes with such passion that I could not help but to cry reading of how he became a leninist
@errante@Sp@laura4 supporting free trade and being against protectionism is liberal. i think restrictions on capitalism (like tariffs, or stopping labor moving across borders) are good.
@augustus Since the left made these people into their most important soldiers, I think it's only appropriate for socially awkward transbian demigirls to be officially considered the successors of Marx and Lenin.
>less than 100k Americans moved to the USSR from 1920 to 1930
>By 1937, many of the Americans were arrested alongside untold numbers of Soviet citizens. Some were executed. Others were sent to "corrective labor" camps in the Gulag where they were worked to death
They had arrived just in time for Stalins great purge
@mono@laura4@errante@augustus During the great depression there was mass migration to the USSR because while the whole world was fucked, communism thrived
@augustus@errante@Sp@laura4 open borders and gommunism isn’t contradictory because gommunists want to make everything shitty so nobody will want to immigrate
@Sp@laura4 and when they all lose their jobs because the industries they worked in were killed by foreign industrial competition, is that also based too? this is what liberalism brings us
@Sp@laura4 but we've just established that Marx was in favor of open markets and free trade between nations with zero tariffs AKA capitalism which will result in industrial competition and mass job losses.
@Sp@laura4 >But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade. he supported free trade specifically because it would "break up" nations and antagonize workers to the point of them revolting. I want workers to have good wages and nice lives and not live in misery.
@Sp@laura4 communists support liberalism because they're liberals, like marx. "lets let capitalism destroy everything and then maybe people will revolt?" it's not a good platform, it's just Cobden/Bright but with different framing. actually propose restrictions on international capital and these "communists" will bite your head off.
@augustus@laura4 Yes, as he said in another text, paraphrasing, capitalism is self destructive, for the things it needs to do to thrive will inevitably bring its own end, though at the end of his life he was starting to stop believing that
As it was better put by Lenin: "The capitalists will sell us the rope we'll hang them with", which also is a great example of why communists support liberalism when still inside capitalism
Besides, because of the theory of Historical Dialectics, he also sees capitalist liberalism as better than slavery capitalism, and that as better than feudalism, and communism as a next step beyond capitalism in all its forms