@meow >requesting images on start up(???) ≠ spyware Merely the act of requesting images can be used to facilitate spying, but even then, I don't believe what Vivaldi does is limited to merely requesting images on startup.
>a webpage with new features after an update that’s behind cloudflare ≠ spyware Clownflare is a huge MiTM that can see the request being made, so cloudflare there is indeed spying happening if clownflare is used at all.
>If you care about privacy, just change it It appears that browsers love to give a small selection of search engines that all spy and also make it hard to add other ones, which I assume Vivaldi does too.
>private search engine >DDG >Startpage Yikes.
>not being "open source" GNU/Jihad against "open source" and all other forms of proprietary software!!!
@Suiseiseki@asahi95 i hate every time someone posts this website because of how paranoid it is requesting images on start up(???) ≠ spyware a webpage with new features after an update that’s behind cloudflare ≠ spyware their default search engine isn’t Bing + If you care about privacy, just change it, Vivaldi isn’t forcing you to use Bing or Google + You sometimes get a message on the new tab with Vivaldi asking you if I want to use a more private search engine like DDG and Startpage Their UI not being open source is the biggest thing you can probably put against them lmao