So, Evolution just got an "upgrade" to #ClientSideDecorations. Ugh! I run a wm instead of a de for a reason! I want my wm to draw my titlebars. Considering jumping ship to #Thunderbird, but it has a significantly larger footprint. Also, I'm not crazy about my emails spawning #WebKit processes, spawning #gecko processes would be worse. #TechnoCurmudgeon
@RL_Dane@fedops TBH I knew this existed because I came into it a while ago, but until your comment made me remember it again, I haven't found any mention elsewhere... Is really nobody using it? And if so, why is that? It seems like it's still maintained and pretty up to date (last beta was launched on August 31...) :(
@RL_Dane whut!? You telling me when I upgrade Evolution it's going to look and feel rubbish in a WM? Damndamndamndamn I've considered a move to Thunderbird but I feel the same as you, it's much heavier... hmpf
@RL_Dane@fedops Includes newsgroup and feed client and IRC... That comes straight from the time machine, for sure. ;) In fact, I just have downloaded it and made a test run... It *looks* pretty outdated (and too many bars!), which doesn't really matter, but that's what it is. Main problem I found is that finding a suitable adblocker may be difficult, ublock isn't there. It reminds me of Pale Moon a bit, a bloated Pale Moon indeed. ;)
It makes sense to separate such disparate projects as a web browser and email client, except that they both rely on the same code to display html -- but in the days of extreme sandboxing, each window has its own process, anyway.
They're not horrible, but outside of Gnome, they're very jarring.
It's just so dadgum unnecessary. Mutter can draw the blaster bars.
#GNOME is constantly playing the power grab game, and I'm sick of it.
Nobody wants to be Unix anymore (openness, utility, usability, interoperability), they all want to be MacOS (consolidated control, like-it-or-lump-it, one grand master vision ?)
@RL_Dane My unpopular opinion is that I think the new CSD looks pretty cool =P (Seriously though, Adwaita's title bars are way to thick, they need to make it more compact)