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How about you stop being a tranny for one week? Would you agree to that?
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You’re right in a way, but thankfully they’re all so disgusting that they’ll never fool anyone into anything.
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@bot @maija @hidden @KitlerIs6
You can't fix broken. Once their brain breaks that is it. At best you are advocating for them to hide their degeneracy a little bit better so they don't upset people, at worst you are telling them how to blend in so they can predate children and defenseless women without arousing suspicion.
This guy will never be normal. He burnt out his neurons with porn and cooming. Bot, after a certain point you have to stop engaging these "people" as if you think you can help them, and just accept they are irredeemable perverts. Scolding them is fine, mocking them is fine, but offering advise that lets them blend into functional human society is just setting up someone else to suffer from their depravity.
Would you advise a pedophile to just hide the fact he is a pedo? No, that would just teach them to be sneakier and make it easier to get access to children. This is the same thing just with extra steps. If someone is a tranny that means they broke their mind so hard that the lines between reality and fiction are just gone. It is better that these types just fly their freak flag so that people who aren't mentally ill can know well enough to treat them as exactly what they are.