I miss the golden age of home computing. That was a couple of years in the early 80s for you young'uns when stuff became affordable and everybody and their dog had a games machine and more crucially, tried to code on it.
Writing games in BASIC and assembler to get printed in national magazines for twenty five quid a throw and having your geeky mates at school go WTF when they read the programmer's name. Reaching Elite on the tape version and then losing the badge at school (sob). The joy of acquiring a 5.25" floppy drive, and never having to wind back a tape that decided to unspool itself in the player again.
Now home computing means incessant bullshit arguments with fascists, and coding means yawny stuff to pay the bills, and games are made by vast capitalist empires.
Pass me a can of Jolt cola, I wanna go back to making levels games that run in 3K RAM and hand-assembling 6502 into DATA statements.
* SLAP * sorry, I'm back to normal now.