I can send you all of our DMs, they had to do with me being drunk and one time he got angy because I didn't defended him enough against deluxe. That's pretty much it
The only DMs they would have been able to see were Sui's, but I honestly think they were too busy changing deleting me and bear and changing his username and pfp to even bother with that.
I think someone just brute forced my account, my e-mail seems fine. Changed the password on it just incase. They didn't get very far, and nobody's been openly boasting that I've seen... So, mostly a non issue. I do have to re-add like 200 people that follow me, and it keeps throttling me, but yeah.
Nah it was just Sui. Sui's account had mod powers which gave whoever the ability to delete anyone on the site. But the only casualty was Bear and Claire, and she was able to undo it with a snap of her fingers. lol so its all good to go.
Sure, and every DM sent to him. The means he used to get into Sui's account, could it be used again? Is the threat neutralised or are all our accounts and private conversations still at risk?
Please see my other reply to you. Of course I am concerned, but I also am aware of exactly what very limited stuff they had access to for 5 minutes, which consisted of the front-end of Sui's account. The site's database, etc was never compromised or at risk.
I've never spoken to him. I don't care what he sent people.
I'm just concerned that nobody seems concerned that there was a security breach where we do not know if any data got leaked nor do we know if the same hack could happen to anyone of us next.
I'm just waking up and trying to get information on a potentially massive data leak that I have to dig around for information on while dealing with other crisises so I'm not being very fun-loving and whimsical today. If I have to reask questions that have already been answered I am going to do that today, until I figure out what risk I am at. Until I figure out how pissed off I should be, assume I am at "extremely" levels.
Dude, some sperg fucked around on my account for like 5-10 minutes before they were yeeted. It's really not a big deal, it was seemingly all limited to my account. They used it to delete two people, and I had another broom yeet me within ~5 minutes of the first deletion.
Don't use DMs for gay ops, or anything you want to be private. If you're worried, make a stronger password.
I mean, what else is there to say? My password was probably weak, and I pissed off some retard with a brute force program. Claire's patched what we believe the problem to be, and I have a much stronger password.
What about the site's response was wrong exactly? Should we exaggerate how effective the failed gay op was, that they only managed like 5-10 minutes before blowing their load? Encouraging that shit in the future? And that most of that time they spent doing gay shit like making it obvious I was hacked? I'm just glad it was a retard. Had a while there, while Chudbuds was down, that I genuinely had no clue how bad it was after I'd been locked out since I was saying "Delete my ass" in broom chat. I think it was a relief to all of us that they were so ineffective and flaccid lol.
>anyone can get hacked. Yeah, pretty much. Welcome to the internet? We're a lot more resilient today than we were yesterday at least. >you coming to me and accusing me of gay ops ... What? I'm not Claire, she didn't accuse of shit and neither did I? You wigging out or something dude? I haven't seen anyone accuse you of any of this. They probably picked me because I piss people off, and Bear probably got under their skin too. They didn't have long to give many Blues Clues before we noticed them.
>but if everyone isn't taking this seriously ... I had my account yeeted asap, then Claire pulled down the server, to prevent further damage until she could work out how bad it was. How much more seriously can/should you take some sperg flailing around for 10 minutes?
As I said, I use a password manager and randomly generated passwords. I don't do anything in DMs, except things like "here's a username on another site to contact me on" or other potentially sensitive details. I'm worried about getting shit compromised, you fucking mongoloid.
The reason I'm pissed is cos of the site's response, that I had to be told by someone else that this was happening rather than receiving an immediate and unavoidable message - and then I have to dig for information. It's not a big deal until it is a big deal and I'm trying to put out fires I didn't start, so I am going to question things. The response is what is lacking - anyone can get hacked. You immediately coming to me and accusing me of gay ops is fucking gold though. Work on your fucking PR, Claire.
I'm not responding further until later cos I have other problems to solve, but if everyone isn't taking this seriously you deserve to get doxed and all the fun that brings because you are too fucking stupid to deserve better.
It's fine Claire. It's maybe a limitation with Soapbox that you can't make a universal pinned post or send a mass message to all users, but this sort of thing needs to be in everyone's face. I'm not in the habit of randomly checking people's pinned posts and if things like passwords are leaked then we need to change those immediately. I'm not worried about my own shit beyond the site but I might have something in there that should have been kept private - not even from me sending it, other people send me retarded shit like their full face doxes. The most information I got about this was from someone from a different instance and they've reassured me everything should be fine, but I wouldn't have known that without doing even more digging on my own. I will admit I probably did not respond the best to people joking about what I perceived as a serious issue and Sui's response properly got under my skin.
You do a great job running the instance and I hope this is a learning experience for everyone with no consequences beyond what we're seeing now.
yes, that mack loser sent me his full face doxed, unprovoked, months ago. I too am concerned for the general retardation that occurs in the DMs sent by the lower IQs; I hope that the method of acquiring the mod's password is now interrupted and we don't have a repeat.
Please be calm, I made a detailed announcement post that is pinned to my profile, made it within a few minutes of the site being back up, in fact. I also updated that post with additional details and clarification as to what exactly happened. I'm not sure if maybe you didn't see that post and only saw my initial short "well that didn't take long to fix" status, or what.
I do take this seriously and I am sorry if I gave the impression I was not because of some jokes I made about the contents of Sui's DMs.
>limitation of Soapbox There is a new "announcement" feature on a new version of Soapbox, but we aren't updated to that version yet. I usually like to update every week or two to give any bugs on new merges a chance to be ironed out before I deploy them. I will update at some point this morning though.
I'd also like to point out again mods have zero access to any of your info. All i can do is defed you and give you badges. Claire has further access but was not compromised.
Everyone I called a fag in DM's I call a fag out here too so mehhhh. There's one person I cut contact with that I discussed my hurt fees fees and kept private in confidence with sui out of respect to them that might bite me in the ass tbh.