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:modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 18:15:37 JST :modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? I just read a stupid blog article about "why new laptops dont include an ethernet port" and "why they should be removed".
Righ. Because, you know... WiFi is very stable, is not prone to bandwidth variations depending on the noise and the signal strength and because its very very secure. Like, nobody has ever gotten into your network through WiFi nor attacked any devices connected through WiFi.
Why should we include ethernet ports? Lets remove them so that IT workers also have problems troubleshooting or testing networks.
Fuck tech journalists, fuck the tech industry, and fuck the general public who buys all this stuff.-
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SuperDicq ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 18:15:36 JST SuperDicq I hate having to use a USB dongle to use ethernet on my work laptop.
Some people say it is to make laptops more thin. But to me making a laptop more thin doesn't add anything. Isn't how much usable space it takes up in your bag is based on the screen width, not its thickness? -
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SuperDicq ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 22:15:14 JST SuperDicq Why didn't someone invent a mini standard for RJ45 yet? If something like that existed nobody could use the "but it's too small for a laptop" excuse any more.
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jonossaseuraava ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 22:15:16 JST jonossaseuraava @Polychrome @enigmatico @cirno -
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Polychrome :blabcat: ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 22:15:24 JST Polychrome :blabcat: @enigmatico @cirno Lenovo and Fujitsu worked around the 'ethernet taking too much space' problem with a folding port.
Lenovo's design seems less fragile than Fujitsu's. -
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:modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 22:15:25 JST :modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? @cirno Yeah, this is also true. Not having an ethernet port would mae some linux distributions hard to install -
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Rumia ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 22:15:32 JST Rumia @enigmatico We need an ethernet port because
1) Many linux distros don't include proprietary wireless drivers.
2) Many linux distros come with net-based installers.Looking at you, Debian.
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