@alex How on earth is a donation widget “monetizing the Fediverse” or part of the “upcoming Web3 paradigm” (which strikes me as almost certainly stillborn to begin with).
“We have to destroy our enemies.”
Indeed, there are no longer any good faith discussions or agreements to have with them. It’s something I’ve watched steadily develop from the early 1970s in the US when I became political aware.
@ThatWouldBeTelling@alex they're mad it's not going through central banks that can shut you down before they bitch and moan a week later when they're nuked from PayPal because they all have the IQ of a rock and say crypto bad.
Look at this clown shilling other platforms beholden to payment processors and another panicking with no alternative.
I've grown to love this quote/speach by Teddy Roosevelt. It is even more relevant today when social media gives the critic such a big microphone:
“It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
I've heard it before when trying to order art commissions, left-wing artsy types are militant against it, absolutely despise it. Even Richard Stallman dislikes crypto since it could 'prevent governments from collecting taxes that are needed to make the world a better place'.
Cause normies were psyoped into thinking it destroys the planet, so as not to be a threat to our increasingly fragile monetary system. Although, crypto degenerates didn't exactly help, with all the shitcoins and monetized jpegs.
Trying to shut down alex for using crypto is obviously retarded, but it will eventually be regulated to the point where it will be possible to shut someone down. It’s really only useful in its current state as a fringe grey area.
@alex@PhenomX6@bot@ThatWouldBeTelling Or in the future when they think the internet is a conglomerate of their favorite "apps" and Xbox live. Wanting to run for office/be in power seems to have a negative correlation with technical knowledge.
Yeah, somehow Monero Talk got him to come on, and he proceeded to sperg about taxes & his Tedx Talk the entire time. https://youtu.be/h-t4lmHcXqw?t=1442
@parker@alex@kroner He's great when it comes to free software and anti-wokeness, but at the same time he's a total idiot when it comes to supporting government, supporting extortion (I mean taxation), and supporting the lethal injections.
He's an autistic NEET. Free software lets him coom to 14 year-olds online while not having to worry about being spied on. But free (as in freedom) money would rob him of his government neetbux.
@MischievousTomato@alex@parker@kroner Yes, and he got cancelled by the extreme left for his views on sexuality and genders. The woke is just the auth-left and the troons, puritans are just the auth-right and the boomers.
“Satoshi Nakamoto” probably remained anonymous because it was the work of glowies, and their psyop has actually been fairly successful. The cult of crypto is p large, and the members absolutely seethe and dilate if you point out the obvious flaws. One of them threatened to dox me just a few days ago over it lol.
@bot@roboneko@alex@ThatWouldBeTelling When BTC came out, techno libertarianism was a thing, e-celeb culture wasn't to the level it was, and it was plausible someone with good intentions would release something anonymous.
Now? You have to link your real name to everything.
You’re probably aware of the recent news about tornado cash.. the crackdown has already started. The fed is also considering launching their own stablecoin, guess what will happen to the others when that happens.
@bot@PhenomX6@alex@ThatWouldBeTelling the person who started one of the BTC mixers also got picked up a while back. there's a reason many of the people who originally invented this stuff remained anonymous. newer people who didn't understand the laws weren't as cautious