4/ "The fascist offer is an offer of false peace. It's an offer to look the other way for now, & receive the advantage of not getting the boot yourself. But it's a lie; the boot is coming for us all.
As long as there exists some group that billionairists can convince you doesn't deserve help, they'll be able to prevent all help, focusing all efforts not on helping people in need but on the far more expensive task of making sure that no money is "wasted" on people who don't deserve it.
The billionaire scam believes in the lie of scarcity; that there's not enough for everyone—not enough food or water or money or jobs, but also not enough freedom to go around, not enough humanity that humanity can be extended to all humans. It's a lie.
We know that fascists can be sly at pretending to be allied with goodness, gesturing toward whatever virtue they are demolishing: suppression in the name of free speech, segregation in the name of fairness, imprisonment in the name of freedom, violence in the name of peace."
iFixit ends its collaboration with Samsung
iFixit is ending its collaboration with Samsung, as iFixit claims the Korean giant is not actually interested in offering repair options at all.
As we tried to build this ecosystem we consistently faced obstacles that made us doubt Samsung’s commitment to making repair more accessible. We couldn’t get parts to local repair shops at prices and qu
There's this awkward thing that happens to all musicians at some point. They get good enough that it becomes difficult to play anything at all.
As your skill increases, so do your standards. So everything you play feels mediocre. The weirdest part is that this "mediocre" performance is better than anything you were doing before. You've just moved the goalposts as you improved.
So it looks like the Raspberry Pi Foundation has finally jumped the shark. They hired a surveillance cop as a maker in residence, which is Dumb Move No. 1, but when people on Mastodon began voicing their concerns, whoever runs the account responded with mocking and derision, telling users to "chill" and generally acting like an asshole.
That's not the way to handle this. At all.
As it stands, if the Raspberry Pi Foundation wants to go this way, everyone has every right to stop supporting them. Besides RPis being next to impossible to get ahold of nowadays, thanks to the stupid move of supporting corps over hobbyists (as I understand it), this move of hiring a surveillance cop is a massive slap in the face of the marginalized groups that supported and relied on Raspberry Pis for many projects.
So I'm making my decision: my next SBCs will most likely be Banana Pis or Pine64's RockPro boards. Both are inexpensive and plentiful.
In all good faith, I will not be supporting the Raspberry Pi Foundation for this move, nor will I support them in any future endeavors, but also, I implore people to not just dump out your Raspberry Pis; creating e-waste in protest doesn't help.
Donate your Pis, or just put them away if you don't want to use them any longer. Find homes for them; throwing them out when they're hard for others to find is wasteful and the wrong message to send.
I'll continue to use my Pis, because I bought or received them long before this mess. But I will not be giving them any more of my money.
That's how you protest their actions: by closing your wallet to them.
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