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Finished Ganbare Goemon: The Rescue of Princess Yuki for the SFC!
What a frustrating game. Konami was still in their "we need to make this game hard as steel to elongate the game" phase of game development for their non-shmups. I will readily admit to using save states for each new segment in the last few sections of the game to preserve my sanity and stable blood pressure.
Cruel difficulty aside, the game is fun, silly, and colorful. I first played Goemon on the N64, and it's nice to see the 2D games developing those games' sense of humor and aesthetics found in those titles. The enemies and characters from the SFC games were writ large in the N64 titles, and seeing how they developed and where they originated is a good portion of the fun of visiting these older games. The music is pretty good, too, with some excellent late-80s/early-90s Japanese jazz tracks and some jamming Japanese folk electronica throughout.
That said, the game lacked the substance of the later titles and was clearly a case of the devs familiarizing themselves with the new hardware. They make good use of mode 7 here and the controls are tight and fun, but the often overwhelming enemy/projectile count (especially in the top-down sections) are too frustrating and constraining.
Overall 4/10, only for more masochistic gamers and those looking for the origins of Goemon's greater adventures.
Cc: @coolboymew @noyoushutthefuckupdad @Tsuki @PurpCat