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Make it about Jesus and they care more. They don't care about God or Truth. They care about Jesus ("How do I get to heaven? How do I get mine?")
----actual method, I use----
What works (*more* frequently, but not *frequently* 💀 ) is, funnily, drawing a map.
I draw the OT kingdom. I call it His Bride, as He does in the OT. I explain the law is a marriage vow. I draw a split in that kingdom, into two kingdoms and call them Ephraim and Judah (after the largest tribe of each), or Samaria and Jerusalem (after their capitals). I mention "like the Good Samaritan" so that their eyes light up with a nodding recognition and they're back in Sunday school somewhere.
I ask them where the Jews are.
Here, you correct them.
"Texans are to Americans what Jews are to Israelites--*at that time*."
I erase Ephraim, while talking about Assyrians.
I erase most of Judah, talking about Babylonians.
I talk about the scattered sheep, how "I will scatter the seed of Israel among man"--and that God had said He Himself will come and be the good shepherd for His scattered sheep. I ask them what Jesus called Himself. (Gotta refer to Jesus again or they get weary of your OT voodoo.)
I then explain 'Israelite' versus 'Jew' to them in terms of race and State. "If a White Irishman leaves Ireland, is he no longer White? Of course he remains White. If a Congo bushman gains Irish citizenship--becoming an "Irish" citizen--is he White now?" (You have to point at the analogous Kindgom of Israel map for the revelance of these to click.)
I talk about 'natal' and 'nation.'
I do the same game then with one of the midwest States and native tribes. "Is someone in Iowa/Illinois/Kentucky/Missouri an Indian? No. They're White, huh? Or black. Asian. We call them all by an Indain name now though--even though *none* of them are Indian? How did that happen?"
I tell them Nehemiah, Ezra, and Malachi especially harp on this distinction. (They don't know who those are. 😔)
I then tell them the difference between Christ telling Pharisees "You are not My sheep, therefore you do not hear Me," which He did say, versus "You do not hear Me, therefore you are not My sheep."
"I have come only for the lost sheep of Israel." I ask them, "If the Pharisees were Israelites who just didn't follow Him, wouldn't that be just a *lost* sheep? Yet he says they are *not even His sheep*. Who are the sheep again?"
If they can be pushed positively on race, I add "And He talks about dividing *nations* into sheep nations and goat nations. And Abraham was promised that his seed would become many nations. When did that ever happen? And God said He'd scatter the seed of Israel...
Where did that seed go? Why is Jesus called a light for *revelation of the nations*? And where did He send His apostle Paul?--the apostle *of the nations*?"
If they are very attentive, I go into how Christ dying saved Israelites, how that released the OT Bride (all of Israel--whether scattered or near--not just the remnant in the land sharing a citizenship with non-sheep) who would be sentenced to die according to the law. (I show them Paul explaining this using the exact same 'husband', 'bride', 'vow' terms in Romans. Death of the husband releases the unfaithful bride.)
From the Bride, you can go into Revelation (the Bride taken to the wilderness and the Whore found in the wilderness). They care again there (because Revelation = NT = Jesus, away from your voodoo OT).
And then they disagree with you and tell you what Left Behind says.