"Shakespeare made a play about it guys."
play and movie title: The Merchant of Venice
Published: 2004
Directed by: Michael Radford
Starring: Al Pacino as Shylock and Jeremy Irons as Antonio
movie: https://zorvixwave32.xyz/file1/IXzX5OEL8xaLxDFihgPpAqHALHpHK9ZQqhyEDIzjvTAVNJcnMc4LOYm3o~QdSi5wD3RbMOiHg0fbfGMUyaHSHw19beSJVsgcil+uVrQzz7YEPG5qO0FcBoZTCU5elzs8wS~uDRRG~ibYLctEGd3+Dcjwgi+lPig9Zxm8Lwb~8nc=/cGxheWxpc3QubTN1OA==.m3u8
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