On this, the eve of Flow taking home an Oscar, I want to note that Blender exists in its current form because after Ton Roosendaal spearheaded writing it, released it as freeware, had his company dissolve, tried developing it as shareware, had the company developing it go bankrupt, and built a non-profit foundation to crowd-source funding for it... Enough people stepped up to fund it that it still lives.
It's a hell of a testament to a software author---and a community's---insistence that in spite of market evidence to the contrary, the software is good and worthy of continued existence.
This is a losing proposition for Democrats and obviously for the rest of us as Republicans have gamed the system such that someone like Trump can easily win anyway and the GOP courts and statehouses have incrementally seized more control over government and our lives.
It makes sense to fire up left and liberal voters and fight Republicans everywhere, on everything. Because Republicans really are a minority. It's not a centrist or center-right country at all, as opinion polls constantly tell us.
I am genuinely and truly upset that we have domestic politicians interfering with foreign negotiations for their own political interests. It's not so much that something special happens seven miles out from the coastline or something, but just that they would be so callous, so careless, so truly despicably selfish with human lives.
It's so sad and enraging. These are humans, suffering and dying, and this goes way beyond political rivalry and becomes undermining humanity via shadow government.
Dear Florida Republicans.
President Biden and
Vice President Harris won't deny you any help with the hurricane you're about to have.
If the situation was reversed, you know trump wouldn't do the same.
Trump would play politics with peoples lives.
It's time to put country before party.
It's beyond time.
@anubis2814 @ajlanes No. Not really. We have been in a near century long war of attrition with the medical community and their habit of trying to utterly control every aspect of our lives.
It is entirely normal to go to a doctor and tell them you are taking HRT, and maybe they can take you on as a patient as harm reduction (and frequently they still say no), because otherwise they won't give us shit.
The fact that they give us anything at all is because if they don't, we end up presenting an even bigger problem for them down the line, and even that usually doesn't stop them. Most of them regard transition as the absolute worst outcome and try to prevent it at all costs.
Anyone who thinks they treat us with any kind of privilege isn't paying attention.
One of the most American sentiments is this: Live and let live.
Stay out of others’ personal lives.
That’s what’s fueling this “MAGA Republicans are weirdos” vibe. It’s not just fucking weird but *wrong* that they are so concerned with how others, including every woman, chooses to live their own lives.
It rubs most Americans wrong. It’s not a liberal/conservative thing. It’s an American thing.
I think it’s a human thing too — and America should exemplify that aspect of humanity.
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