S-A-L-U-T-E REPORT S=Size: Report the number of personnel, vehicles, aircraft, or size of an object A=Activity: Report detailed account of actions, I.e. direction of movement, troops digging in, artillery fire, type of attack, NBC activity L=Location: Report where you saw the activity. Include grid coordinates or reference from a known point including the distance and direction from the known point U-Unit: Report the enemy's unit. If the unit is unknown, report any distinctive features, such as uniforms, patches or colored tabs, headgear, vehicle identification markings T=Time: Report the time the activity was observed, not the time you report it Always report either local or Zulu time (Zulu time is the time at the initial time zone located at Greenwich, England E=Equipment: Report all equipment associated with the activity, such as weapons, vehicles, tools. If unable to identify the equipment, provide as much detail as you can so an identification can be made by higher headquarters Remarks: Include any information not included in the S-A-L-U-T-E format