@stellarsarah @MisuseCase @GossiTheDog
There was an interview with someone the other day about Musk on BBC news, one of the things that was pointed out, is tht Musk owns SpaceX which has done some good things with rockets, and Tesla.
A response to that could be that Jimmy Saville raised millions for charity, he did, BUT after he died and people found out he was a paedophile, all that fundraising became irelavent
e.g 2
JK Rowling wrote the Huge popular Harry Potter books, sure true statement, but she has also been outspoken on Trans people, result is that even the actors from the films have distanced themselves from JK Rowling.
So, now that Musk has donated to Trump, and tried to interfere in British Politics, is trying to help the AfD win in Germany, and is trying to perhaps help reform win in the Uk, how long before people wake up and just decide Musk is no longer needed, regardless of what Space X and Tesla achieve. Once trumps policies kick in and people start to suffer they will put 1+1 together.
To some extent the same goes for Mark Zukerberg allowing trans hate on his platform under the guise of 'free speech' there has to be a point where people say enough is enough.
There HAS to be a point were people snap.
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