Screenshot of text from the "Amendment of the Online Safety Act 2021". The text reads: (1) For the purposes of this Act, age-restricted social media platform2 means:3 (a) an electronic service that satisfies the following conditions:4 (i) the sole purpose, or a significant purpose, of the service5 is to enable online social interaction between 2 or more6 end-users;7 (ii) the service allows end-users to link to, or interact with,8 some or all of the other end-users;9 (iii) the service allows end-users to post material on the10 service;11 (iv) such other conditions (if any) as are set out in the12 legislative rules; or13 (b) an electronic service specified in the legislative rules;14 but does not include a service mentioned in subsection (6).15 Note 1: Online social interaction does not include (for example) online16 business interaction.17 Note 2: An age-restricted social media platform may be, but is not necessarily,18 a social media service under section 13.19 Note 3: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act20 2003.