Characterization of the pepin organelles by FISH and correlative TEM as well as membrane and DNA staining. A─D: Pepins (arrows) in the cytoplasm of "Ca. T. magnifica" (class Gammaproteobacteria) are labeled with the general bacterial probe EUB labeled with Alexa Fluor 488 (A, green), Gammaproteobacteria specific 5 probe Gam42a labeled with Cy3 (B, yellow), Thiomargarita-specific probe Thm482 labeled with Cy5 (C, red) and with DAPI (D, blue). E TEM of a serial thin section consecutive to the semi-thin section used for FISH. The FISH and DAPI positive pepins appear as electron dense organelles under TEM. F,G Pepins (from E) under higher magnification; pepins are delimited by a membrane (arrowheads) and contain numerous ribosomes which appear as small electron dense granules. Source