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> i still dont get why people on here are so racist.
Because high ingroup preference ("agreeableness") exists and for some people, "us" is a race; increasingly, the "us" is political rather than racial or religious or regional.
The really high agreeableness is also the reason people have difficulty with $ingroup having $outgroup trappings, so you have the nazzihs getting upset over a honkey that thinks they're retarded, etc.
> is it that hard for you to judge people based on their individual merits?
I forget the name of the guy that wrote the major book on sales (and I also haven't read the book), but one of the things he emphasized was likeability, as he observed (correctly) that people will make most decisions based on their emotions and then rationalize after the fact.
> seems like a form of mental retardation
You're not going to wipe out instinct and temperament by reasoning for the most part, and aside from that, you're reasoning from a different set of premises than they are. If you don't understand that and you think that your axioms are the only ones that are reasonable as a basis for your morality, then you will think they're stupid.
Race is a heuristic; it's a bad heuristic but it is a heuristic, and this is the reason for the apparent contradiction: higher IQ people have a greater tendency towards racism. (Another potential explanation is that intelligence and heterodoxy are correlated and the orthodoxy is currently very anti-racist.)
Counter-intuitively, racism is positively correlated with exposure to other cultures. Students that were sent to Mexico as part of their study of Spanish had lower opinions of Mexicans than the other group, which spent an equivalent time learning about Mexican culture. I suspect that this is a matter of temperament and that it just doesn't find expression until exposure to $outgroup occurs.
So, you know, I think the evanglistic racists are annoying as shit and I don't agree with their worldview, but why *shouldn't* they be racist? Different set of premises. Some people (the Hitler-humpers) treat "race good" as an axiom.