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@frogzone @NonPlayableClown @mischievoustomato @Hyperhidrosis @cvnt Goddammit, you are still doing this? I keep laboring under the delusion that being unpleasant will make people conclude I'm not worth the effort. I will not cite Wikipedia, I'll just cite the UN, all right?
> ive personally seen misleading framing and gaslighting on that platform that favor the corporatist agenda.
Same excuse neo-nazis use if I paste a link to Wikipedia: they distract from whether a thing is true or not and always start arguing Wikipedia. I know Wikipedia's shit, I have used the website myself. I am old and before Wikipedia existed, I used to go to Jimbo's previous website, (I don't know what's there now), because they had the Bomis Babe of the Day and there were photos of tits and that's why we're all here, isn't it?
> i'm open to the idea the UN was founded for maligned purposes many decades ago, however today i don't see the UN as the elephant in the room with regard to maligned conduct, quite the opposite.
To recap, you scoff when I "lump" the UN together with the IMF and World Bank. The IMF is a UN organization. So I say "they're founded by the same people at the same time" and you treat this as specious and complain about a link to Wikipedia. You have to make an ally of ignorance to keep this up, which is why, instead of looking it up, you wait until I drag it out, then complain about the source. So, here is a primary source, a link to the UN's page about the UN's Specialized Agencies: . You will find on that list the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization, UNESCO, UNIDO, etc., and on the same list you will find the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. They are not the "good guys": they are exactly what they were at the outset.
Here is the United Nations on the relationship between the United Nations and the IMF: . Here is the IMF's website, from Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Volume IV, which describes some of the mechanics of this relationship: . Why would I lump them together? This is why I would lump them together. I do not make this shit up.
Is it strange to you at all that Larry Fink pushes the things you love? Not lipservice, either: he will withdraw money from companies that don't have a good "ESG" score. All of these "corporate fascists"?
:neolib::finksmug: "BlackRock Financial says trans rights are human rights!" :finklol::trans:
Nothing to see here, just Blackrock writes your politics for you because, from the beginning, everything you have heard was good for the regular people at the bottom was created by the people at the top to prevent the people close to the top from climbing up any more rungs. Why does Blackrock love these things? Why would the worst assholes on earth (including Franklin "Japanese Internment" Delano Roosevelt, a good friend of Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, also a good friend of Alan Dulles, who helped start the UN and also the goddamn CIA and hired Bernays in the early stages) all get together and build the UN and the IMF and the World Bank? Same reason Bill Gates put his cash into the WHO. Same reason Soros funds the SEIU. Think that's altruism? You don't get to be George "working for the Nazis was the happiest time of my life" Soros if you're the caring sort. The reason why is staring you in your face and you hate it so you keep wheedling and you keep objecting and the reason is that it is a means to an end: they have done these things because these things are helpful in accomplishing their goals.
In closing, the UN loves all of the things you hate, it is just the diplomatic/military/cultural apparatus created for the same reasons and by the same people that created the IMF and the World Bank, and it hates cool guys like international :adnankhashoggi: arms dealers :lelandyee: and :terryhacker: hackers :rms: and :tor:.
I really don't like arguing this sort of thing on the internet, but I would rather you not imply that I make things up or that I rely on specious sources or that I have fallen for someone's propaganda, especially if you quote propaganda while doing so.